Saturday, June 1, 2013


is what
makes a man
what.....a man is supposed to be..Evan has Imparted...

                             ...   people should be taught by their "Bettors "and open up their hearts and minds completely with or without Open Mind and Impart technologies

without the "Old Way" residue that
makes one want to  scream to a "higher god"a supposed "true god" above the "grid" above one's "mentors"
       like any "Lessor" might,"Evan Imparts,
"and  I suppose must..but tell me WHAT has this REAL GOD done for you lately.has he saved you from "us"?We who take real time and effort to change you..while you cower and cry
"oh god help oh god help..:
Think about it Dumbo how it might feel to be a mentor hearing this..over and over if we were The Bad Guys as if you were being hurt by The New Way ...
What a betryal and what an indictment of The Process..this childish ,cowering begging to an entity thaT NEITHER yOU NOR wE KNOW EXISTS..

They hear my prayers .
They hear my wishes for intervention from another Force
that is neither "man made" or so severe in it's Lessons
of How "to be" if one is to continue "being" at all
The New Way is all Knowing
and as artificial in it's intelligence as it might be
as we go on and as THEY collect more "styles of thinking"
"Voice of God" technology becomes as organic
The Real Thing

Voice of God Perception Augmentation and Over-ride Technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In Judaism and Christianity, the voice of God (Hebrew בּת קול, bat kol or bath ḳōl, literally ....referring to technology used by the specific and non specific "groups" to insert voices and sounds into one's head synthetically...


On the way to Bimbombey
There's a hill on the way to Bimbombey
There's a house on the hill and a girl in the house
On the hill on the way to Bimbombey
A house on the hill and a girl in the house
On the hill on the way to Bimbombey

There's a store in Bimbombey
There's a ring in the store in Bimbombey
That's where I'll buy the ring for the girl in the house
On the hill on the way to Bimbombey
I'll buy the ring for the girl in the house
On the hill on the way to Bimbombey

Once I get to Bimbombey
You can bet I will stay in Bimbombey
That's where I'll settle down with the girl in the house
On the hill on the way to Bimbombey
I'll settle down with the girl in the house
On the hill on the way to Bimbombey