Sunday, May 5, 2013

whatever happened to Gary Rainy's babies

"you think it's odd that people have and had  kids for reasons dummy!
that's why people had kids
 "In The Beginning"
so the kids could tend the farm.EVAN BOOMS through my temporal lobe

"not this lovey dovey   horseshit about "
our baby will change the world ,
be another wonder in this great "brotherhood of man "
this kid ,who turns 18 and  main goal is getting at least  500 miles away from the family unit


Neuronautics and Dome Industries didn't have kids based on  these false sentiments
but science
and you ain't the only flame in town
there are hundreds of New Way babies
who  else were we gonna try this stuff out on?*
so ,cool it with the fact you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time
a reason
.in a way the chidren of Gary Rainy were made for the apps not the other way around

* Beyond directed sound, it’s long been known that microwaves at certain frequencies can produce an auditory effect that sounds like it’s coming from within someone’s head

 to know in advance our CAUSALITES and STIMULI
of course everything was recorded when we were  growing up

"why you think you' are so hyper sensative,high strung
it's a side effect of" the sense of being watched.recorded,captured"
we were raised on scripts
,it was done only for this to be done decades later

not this story again not this story again not this story again not this story again any story but this I graph

Who says it's a story .

how were they supposed to know you'd go all Hardy Boys  with the " How and whatsit  of it all"
they assumed they could just toss you into a mental hospital
the times were different when they thought all this up

but I ask you Dumbo,is  this piecing together
 working for you
or quite the opposite
the point was Tommy Walker
not Tommy TALKER scumbag!

a better man
would be understanding the whys and wherefores concerning the  severity of some what you call "runthroughs"
you know the shit someone has no business,as in BIG BUSINESS writing about at all (he graphs a visual of Rock Hudson in the movie "Seconds",they use film like it's some kind of...)

the only reason we LET you write this is because
Dumbo Dumbass can't seem to really DO anything else
like get a real job
NO Dumbo   prefers being  indignant
like you're some fucking Judah Macabee Green Piece of shit suddenly

freaks out when we stop or threaten to take it away

"it's the threats of killing me
that are getting in the way" I graph,sorta turned on by Evan's intensity"  ..the threats kinda take away the entrancement of it all Brotha"

they aren't threats
cuz ya see
it will work either way
ya see...king of betrayl
king of Ruiners
if you just disappear or say get run over
or better yet we 
 blow your head off
something more DREAMY perhaps~~~~~~
 ----words appear on the wall across from me Miami Face Eating Attack Lasted 18 Agonizing Minutes
they begin graphing a   picutre of the victim  but thankfully  stop

Look  what happens to Ruiners.
who share about crazy things."

so you had better start lightening UP and
have fun with it


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