it will be a billion dollar industry.trillllllions
in the next 15 years Denny had said
back when things were good between us.before all this
.back when he spoke to me about stupid shit.simple how intraneural interface will transform the educational system but mainly for the wealthy and
how a movie like gone with the wind could be SENSOed in 5 nano seconds.and how those seconds could be expanded and when youre bored and standing in line in a store
who needs film he said
when an experience can be "downloaded"into one's nervous sytem
into one's "nogin"directly
for those on the go
who needs 16 years to develop a personaily when they can download one directly into your
i am tired of "hiding out""
is that what this is.?
i came back to recuperate . '
as if this ends
as if one heals
I am soon going back to CA
to be buried in the desert
to disappear
they have said as much
they will see to it
this time
I have not stopped writing
it's funny sitting here writng this
cuz this isnt any experimental novel shit
trust me
i've been experiemtned on enuf
I am the Real lawnmower man
i am only writing this cuz i dont care anymore.
oh i know i am a pussy and will go back to writng this more and more as some fictrional nonsense.
but maybe not
i am sick of covering this up..
interneural interface can drive people mad
infact the only thing differentiating it from a serious mental disorder of delusion .vision
auditory or otherwise
to think people will soon be paying a fortune for what any schizophrenic on the street already has
they lie
they say it's about who controls the technology
every tech company in CA is working on the same thing
there is nothing "hidden"
the only thing hidden
to get the kinks out
according to them there are more uses for this shit than peanuts
i am bad PR though
i am a detractor
audited my ass gentlemen
...oh let's do get on with it.
big bizzzzness
and a desert burial
bad PR for you cocksuckers in hollywood
and your compatriots in DC
god forbid i represent the future
the silCON
of intraneural interface.
coming soon to a hippocampus
in you
the "deconstructed man"
go fuck yourselves and i havent even begun
writing the real shit
the "stories"
so wiped out i can barely sit up straight.let alone think str8
in this state .and this is me bold.or i wouldnt be typing at all or posting
i still must always try to twist it into fiction...writing this like a comic book
when i am shouting my god my god it's all true
sounds like something a mental patient would write or say
it's what let's us get away with it asshole. you thinking you're Paul Revere Or John Henry.
you come off as a god damn LOOOON
Why you think we gave you that fucking mental history
AND now would be the time to quit typing.and do some deleting.ALLOF IT
why you think we use prostitutes and drug addicts oh by the way...some of my friends at VNT are doing a prominant piece on LOOOONY
writers of
Strange POSSIBLY subversive
meanderings online
and how potentially dangerous they are...with THEIR LIES
But please .Please keep going.It's like watching a drowning rat
I am quite sure evan has watched many mice.many rats flail about,trying to get through a maze.but i won't stop.
i am sure this gives him.
gives them loads of fun.
cuz theyre damn right.there IS no way to explain THIS without sounding like i should be wearing either a strait jacket or a tinfoil hat.
tell it to me again Jim(bis).no slowly.
like something
a mental patient would say it's what let's us get away with it asshole.we love it.reading this thinking you're Paul Revere and shit.Or John Henry.Why you think we gave you that fucking mental history.You are the most unreliable person we could get.But please .Please keep going.It's like watching a drowning rat
I am quite sure evan has watched many mice.many rats flail about,trying to get through a maze.but i wont stop.i am sure this gives them loads of fun.cuz theyre damn right.there IS no way to explain THIS without sounding like i should be wearing either a strait jacket or a tinfoil hat.Do I think i am Paul Revere?no.for the first time this morning i honestly tought if I would wish this upon my worst enemy.Or if I had a chance could substitute someone else.would I?
i am sent emails thru the day
from readers of "my story"
they collect on my desk
i want to throw them out.they make no sense to me.not really.
they look like evidence or something
i have watched too many episodes of CSI...
my brother sends me "clippings "..he has a field day with my situation.i imagine him sucking on a bong and typing me emails.Maybe .now maybe it's ...telepathic
mutants jim
ïmagine he said if said trained individuals also had access to...."what you speak of
men who stare at goats could become men who play with goats
""or maybe it's just aliens my brother writes
now .what if aliens who had practiced mind control right? got hold of this wouldnt that be something
he also found some information on a proposed satelite sytematic that responded to wave patterns of the human brain.localizing first on natural iron and other conductive magnetic "resources" in the human body.Can you imagine he wrote.up above us.
the tax payer expense no LESS
a literal catcher of thoughts of dreams
he proposed that if this actually existed it could also emote a protocal
of thought
.my stepfather sent me (for the 5th time) the wikipedia of brain scanning tecnikques but there is no mention of the true problem.
of interpersonal computer interface.
In 1999, researchersdecoded neuronal firings to reproduce images seen by cats. The team used an array of electrodes embedded in the thamamus The cats were shown eight short movies, and their neuron firings were recorded. Using mathematical filters, the researchers decoded the signals to generate movies of what the cats saw and were able to reconstruct recognizable scenes and moving objects.[ Similar results in humans have since been achieved by researchers in Japan
computer. further development of the technology may make it possible to achieve color images, and even view or record dreams
In 2011 researchers published a study reporting second-by-second reconstruction of videos watched by the study's subjects, from fMRI data. This was achieved by creating a statistical model relating visual patterns in videos shown to the subjects, to the brain activity caused by watching the videos. This model was then used to look up the 100 one-second video segments, in a database of 18 million seconds of random videos, whose visual patterns most closely matched the brain activity recorded when subjects watched a new video. These 100 one-second video extracts were then combined into a mashed-up image that resembled the video being watched.[
Could also discriminate the vowels and consonants embedded in spoken and in imagined words. EEG The project "Silent Talk" aims to detect and analyze the word-specific neural signals, using EEG, which occur before speech is vocalized, and to see if the patterns are generalizable
ATR Labs' reconstruction of human vision using fMRI (top row: original image; bottom row: reconstruction from mean of combined readings)
all that evan had said was true
to "tell""
the more you say the more you'll look like the psycho
it's a no win situation for you
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