Friday, June 8, 2012

RAINY:a "D" student operation.A bully boy Pabst Blue ribbon set.I don't even want to see "community college" on their intake..

RAINY.people who dont ask questions,people who dont know what the question is..they pull out when things get too intense.."People who don't ask alot of questions.who don't know what the question is

scanning equipment MANAGEMENT

Jimbis had been DOMED
and now he seemed doomed
at first spencer
conceding that everything being done to him (or as Evan corrected "for him")was being done for a purpose
that it was jimbis that was causing the problems
but after 2 evictions
the hospitals stays
the jails

things that never seemed to happen when DOME wasn't involved
he was beginning to get concerned.
it was a full time job not showing it,concern.
everyone else had begun ,especially in the last few months displaying quite the opposite
there was almost a party atmosphere to the office
the muralists were working now on an End date Program
other sponsers were vying for head set time as the" lead up" began
people seemed suspiscious that he was "a party pooper" for not getting off on the Project that
"this Jimbis" as he was called if he was called anything at all had somehow single handedly destroyed
or was seemingly trying to.
it was difficult to figure out just how "this jimbis" was percieving all of this
as it was so much like schizophrenia that it was amazing he was still functioning at all
but at the same time he was supposed to not think of what was happeneing to him as madness but a treat
"why arent you smiling spencer,not get fucked this weekend,"evan said,flicking the back of his head with his finger.
Reverie was not a thing one did at DOME

spencer wasn't allowed to wear the headset he wasn't a Proxeteer he could
only interpret data
but he knew enough to know he wasn't getting the whole story even though it was his job to evaluate the Interneural transcriptions

interneural transcriptions spencer laughed,there was some kind of term for everything

everything that made it sound a little less sinister than it was
 "don't ever say "mind reading ,"Evan said when he first got the job,pointing to a big plastic jar,filled with paper money

mind reading was a "bad word" around prox
say it and you'd be punished
and have to put money in the jar
 the first time it would be five dollars
than it was ten dollars
than twenty.
than it was a held back pay check
long ago ,spencerstopped asking himself whether anyone should know what;s going on in another person's mind
it gave him nightmares just thinking about it
he had to even stop smoking weed because of it
he sometimes worried that Proxycould "dome" him like they did so many others
it was a lingering threat at Proxy
to be "domed"
his predacessor Claire had gone "cuckoo"it was the only reason he had gotten the job.
Evan had laughed at the initial interview ,after giving the "what happened at PROX stayed at PROX  or else"a warning he had since heard so many times .

at last years xmas party spencer was invited to GLEAN a KIM reading. Evan had ruined it in advance,saying this and that so he couldnt" make his  own conclusions,"he has no respect for the process or anyone."
Evan had edited the reading
Kim was Jimbis's mother.

"he has some kind of movement disorder which i bet he makes up,all the time it's about his comforts,he's always stiff or something or hot or hungry,do you hear any concern about his mother?"
"maybe he doesnt like his mother..alot of people don't"Spencer  said
'you dont understand"
"he also always has songs in his head,he cuts his hair ,like often,he eats standing up,he cuts his hair ,like often,all he thinks about is money ,and the things he thinks when he watches tv,"this guy is cute..this guy is ugly.where do i get a shirt like that.why don't they make blue cars,that guy looks like this guy and than he remembers some awful story.or stares at the ceiling for like hours,
thats really when the problems began
the ceiling staring.
PROXY wanted him to DO SOMETHING

all Spencer could discern from the GLEAN was that Jimbis was hot and scared but than again he wasnt a Proxeteer.Spencer put the headset down,he knew people got a kick out of it,sometimes laughing,sometimes going ewww or "oh my god,oh my god ,oh my god"but it seemed well scary.what if it was him.being "OBSERVED"
what if it was him being interfaced.
"you don't get it He is ruining it

what was happening was that JIMbis was simply boring was what Spencer was thinking
although he couldnt imagine  that a 24/7 glean on anyone's thoughts could be anything but..
what did they want him to do after all
go skydiving
rob banks?
climb the top of Mt everest
the guy didnt evemn have a proper bank account
he was an artist
all artists DO is lay around and stare at ceilings was what he tried explaining

"you don't know the awful things he thinks"
it started with the ceiling staring,than he wasn't drawing well.than some extra drinking ,than more laying around.Evan was furious
he wanted action
so they  to poke him a kid does to a guinie pig that wont move in it's cage.
but it wasnt only inside that tiny apartment that jimbis wasnt doing right by was everywhere and always.
he didnt mingle ,he didnt meet people.he didnt -"doesnt even move right"
it was Evan's idea to teach him how to act.
there was very little voice work being done in the beginning so as not to scare jimbis just modified interneural,"a sharing of sensabilities,very subtle"
evan was dying to go aural to scare the bejjjezus out of the runt who was alreadt driving him crazy with small things,like taking 20 minutes to find his keys,taking to long to shave,not using gel for his hair etc
he thought of calling Adam,
adam actor friend of his who did work at
The New Horizons.a teaching center of proxy ,for parolees .they did role playing
adan wasnt in anyway affiliated with Dactology ,He thought evan something of a kook for being so gung ho,but New Horizons did indeed change lives
Adam was wild ,he liked new challenges,and he knew when to keep his mouth shut.
it took a bit of arm pulling and a few blurring of the specifics but Adam ,who had heard talk of Interneural was on board,"to give it a shot"when he was done shooting in Atlanta

in the mean time  they brought in the muralists.
it was quite innocent to begin with
a few stories here and there.
some directly from whatever he was watching on tv.

and than we wouldnt even paint
and than it was back to the old weed again
and than
he began writing
nasty stories
about his past,his mom,his friends.
and than  about the Muralists
whom he presumed were his "muses"

he thought it was the weed
it was making him feel and hear things
than it was space aliens.
"so than what does he do?" evan says<"well Of course ! buy some absinthe from London
and decide he's like  this writer all of a sudden
and his job was to save the; the while mixing in muralist stories ,crazy stuff about his past,both fake and true,saying "OH I'll get to the good parts later,let me just think of everything as demonstrate something extraordinary in this charcter's progression.or something

Jimbis hated and sometimes loved the muse(screenwriters sometimes)
 but just as often Evan or Linda N (which made them laugh and sometimes literally ROFL .)
when they were nice to him
he remembered tender old events
which the "muses" masticated into
mimicry and mcCaws the following day
 when they were deliberately cruel to him using his own fears against him he grew stranger and meaner toward the muralists.
grudges upon grudges.upon grudges.
than more weed.
and than the cops got involved,
everybody in LA of course knew this was going on
all except Jimbis

"was he abused or something"
"what Spencer are you a social worker?"
but Spence knew he wasn’t getting the whole story.
and what he was getting was as boring as reading jimbis's GRI scans
that was his job.
studying small changes in yellow and red in the video of the hypocalmus

He mainly studied GRI scans and video

knew various disks and set bytes were condensed and edited,nobody really knew what was the Real Story ,for it seemed to change,every 2 minutes.
ADHD and DOME don't really mix,throw in a little weed ,poverty and a bad airconditioner.and...

"he's an artist,what's he supposed to do all day but think,",artists lay around and think"
",you don't understand,he is sick
"what does he think ?"
"it's confidential"
gary had to laugh ,what jimbis thought was confidential?

adam arrived back from atlanta only too see
the mess that jimbis had become

to explain evan convinced him that they the foundation.this autistic foundation that this jimbis volunteered from or something ,,well he's a criminal as well.we're trying to..uh
"what adam saidI didnt count on this.
what kind of criminal..adam asked?
"he's sick in the head is all,he went deep into some autistic...terror or something..i dont know damn it you wan tto help him learn to act or not?i mean that's what we need."
Let me ge this straight ,he's a criminal autistic man who wants to be an actor?"
"exactly adam,it's complicated,it's one hand washing the other."
what?" adam said
"it's an experience adam tak eit or leave it I know tons of other actors who would be keen to do this"

at the same time Jimbis writer Jimbis began taking his writing in earnest.
no more lazy jim
just jimbis at the keyboard writing all that was going on around him
as if words and other people's thoughts were swimming around him
jimbis wasnt exactly writing about Proxy but he was writing something that seemed pretty familiar.
he had come to LA it seems with the purpose of writing a screenplay or something

on the other end.(what other end?)
Leslie had set it up
and he was so eager to come
to be "a star"or something

There was function to his form Spencer who was following the clusterfuck of this "secret technological breakthrough" through scans,vid and ear piece couldnt stop thinking There was function to his form
was this the same guy from 94 people talked about who had ended up a vegatable?
the "other guy" was talked about like an urban legend'
he had like disappeared off the face of the earth
that's when Drew Christie was "pulling the strings"

spencer couldn’t get it off his mind that something wasn’t right,he began reading a little deeper into things jimbis himself had written,he himself wrote that he was a ***

(he’s insane ,he’ll write anything Spencer go suck some dick,do your goddamn job)
he began putting together his own dossier on jimbis
writing his own notes on how he would train someone or pick someone who could survive "a PRoCess"

a process,thought gary,is that what they call it these days?

First off there could be no trace of schizophrenia in the family


Second .from an early age an intense sense of justice must be integrated into the child

Check(SLVW feb 18)

3rd he must also be able to seperate himself from all input in his environment which maybe explained some of his rather autistic ways, ,he had to go somewhere.(SLVWMay3)

A patriot

In the guise of a degenerate in the guise of a moron

He wasn’t allowed to talk about his work at PROXY and here was" nutjob "writing about it all over the computer

Meercats anyone?
Joanne had begun wearing t-shirts with Meercats on them last summer,,even after the joke got old and he changed the name to proxy

There was a Meerkat poster near the minifridge near the dartboard with Jimbis’s high school year book photo on it

There was a deliberateness to his madness and crazy entries Spencer was surprised nobody else picked it up

They saw him entirely through interneural reads.

Even the direct photos of him were always from afar as if it was dangerous to get that close to "the sickness"

“this doesn’t add up he’d say looking at the daily reads
Doesn’t anybody else see what he’s doing.?"he had said early on after reading a rather cruel entry on Kim but hearing a hesitancy on his part when speaking to her,he even gulped ,as if,forgetting to 'stay in character"

He stopped bringing it up,the descrepancies,the mistakes ...Saying anything at all was the same as talking about IT

And that was grounds for being fired

Since Interneural was illegal there really was no confidentiality agreement

Just “the goon squad”
the goon squad very muched liked being called the goon squad.
There was small work out area in the office,Evan always had a display of knives and even a gun out on his desk.The higher ups had a posse.The office had a deliberate backroom bar feel
The women were encouraged to dress “inappropriately”

spencer was missing out
He wanted to be a goon.
He wanted to be out with the posse
He wanted to bad
so he did the next best thing.
and decided to do something good.
help jimbis.

He loved the Spy Store.
If he could do it all over again he’d have somehow become a PI or something
He had heard what could happen to people who crossed ****
But he was just longing to buy some binoculars


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