Saturday, September 15, 2012


after 2 men fell from a ladder.
and 3 dead birds were found in front of the local library

a collection of funds was taken by some of the New Way neighborhood field officers
to conduct a
a neural sweep of the neightborhood. was 4pm .
not too late to call
Nancy G. was Deidre's last Ruiner on the phone list.

"we're very concerned with your reading.Nancy G,Dedre said,
"a reading like that does not only effect you.but has been known to cause all sorts of problems for others."
Dedre  realized the risks she was taking speaking to a Ruiner for this long although her mentors at Neuronautics assured her it was safer speaking to a Ruiner on the telephone that  being more than 5 yards near their invisible but palpable Emanations. Deidre did not tell Nancy G. that a Team would soon "app" Nancy as her "Tone -alities" were considered a public health issue now that some Progressive Politicians  had accepted the tenants of Neuronautic's Science -ideologies. Prior to the relatively  Low Frequency Sweep on the vicinity around Nancy G.'s dwellings an associate  thought from Neuronautics had found several caustic remarks Nancy G . had written about Country Singer's new hair doo online that indicated Low Tone Attenuations
Further discovery proved that Nancy G.

     alot of time on the phone-----
     only calling people when she felt most like complaining.
attained tapes  of these phone calls
 put through a computer program that  deduced unsaid emotional temperature from tone and cadence

  indicated  that Nancy G.

         cared little  about what  the  person

         on the other and of the line said

 Further examination of Nancy G.'s case  found that

 Nancy G. seemed to care very little
 that her  own Low Path Emanations
  Reduced  the High Tone brain signals of  whomever she spoke to on the phone 

"your fMRIs indicate a  3.7 hertz frequency  your P300s signals are abrupt,almost hostile in Emittance"Deidre said

"...and will i please let Prince Albert out of the can ?"Nancy said  hanging  up the phone .Not possibly understanding what this remark meant not just to Deidre but to Neuronautics and Mankind.





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