Thursday, September 27, 2012

Chatterbox Challenge as a Test-Bed for Synthetic emotions (Jordi Vallverdú) -

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Monday, September 24, 2012

"this isn't a dream,this is really happening.."

in 1966 Gary Rainy claimed
he had visions of  other developers of Intraneuralinterface done with Craftiness.
very low vibrational frequency
could be channeled
by a certain type
without any visible technological means

and these are the ones we must keep an eye on
He labeled these people ruiners

Ruiners were a
A CERTAIN TYPE who wanted to

pollute  the Enway
with Enrot

in 2003 Evan rainy and his partners at Dome began
trial runs on fMRI brain scanning devices
 county wide neural data sweeps
to find
with Crafty ways

  •   other Inways  to the Enway


Sunday, September 16, 2012


....unexpected results
greater things this this
oh .you had better believe in something bigger and greater than this Sir graphed     
I do,i thought.hoping i was not being graph back you seek only your comfort
it is the opposite of faith
 the fearful seek comfort and ease
the fearless are ill at ease.
this way of thought is unnatural
it has been presented as such
 i will summon them
beyond you
the real thing
you had better hope so
i know so

i have seen the burning bush
and tossed water on it
YOU are the enemy


Saturday, September 15, 2012

it was like an AA meeting.
but in someone's swanky home.
Valerie was near the piano ,she spoke like she was on a stage ,like she was used to talking like she was on a stage,"
selective scanning and Extremely Low frequency Transmission.
it sounds scary doesn't it" she asked the group,most of whom were either in development or were members of The New Way"

,she stood perfectly straight ,and serious like there should have been a microphone in front of her.
According to Valerie words like microwave and frequency turned people off especially when it concerned their brains and nervous systems,People in the room giggled.I played with a rip in my jeans.She said It was difficult coming up with good ad copy for Impart technology .LFT and ELF  systems that could mimic brain waves and introduce new  neural patterns through "steeping"

" i used to get caught up in the Questions when i was a practicing Catholic
spending whatever time i had in a chapel not thanking or communing with god but hoping he might "slip up" and share some inside information
i was not so much trying to connect with him.With figure IT out.
Trying to figure out not only if god answered prayers,but how he heard my prayers in the first place.And if he did why was there nothing done about them...

The New Way has no such secrets

there is not mystery as to how a Mentor."a higher power" hears prayers."
nor is it or will it be a mystery how one gets enlightenment or perhaps even answered prayers

Gary Rainy had an epiphany in 1963
He had bought a clock radio.
he set it to wake him the next morning.
he fell into a wonderful slumber and was visited by his RECEPTIVE SELF who introduced him to
in the middle of this encounter the clock radio went off.
an awful storm of beep beep beep
this sound not only entered Gary's mind but the mind of his CM
Immediately upon recieving this GRAPH Gary's Celestial Mentor retreated
the tether however that held both he and this entity together did not sever
but the CM made clear to gary that never again could Gary impart such an offensive sound to this higher consciousness.
nor could Rainy as punishment for this offense not always be conscious of a Collective Mind
the CM would teach him How.
it would teach him The New Way

"it is the right
of the members to decide
how they best wish to
view the world.,"she said," And if this view of the world is first syphoned through a leader's mindscape it is for good reason.Reasons people outside of The New Way cannot begin to understand
it isn't for everyone, in fact the experience is so intense that only an established Religion should be able to use it. much in the same way native americans can use certain hallucingenic drugs in their rituals.

when i first got involved with The New Way i was repulsed by talk of FMRI waves gleaning my mind and  IMPART  spookier still..than i thought isn't that what we all look for.I mean when we lay in bed with our endless inner anxieties.and confusion .who are these thoughts for?IMPART technology provides a circular "loop" that is effortlessly non intrusive . A cybernetic cue system of subtle neural shifts that  alter one;s own rapport to self maintained spiritual and self actualizing progress


after 2 men fell from a ladder.
and 3 dead birds were found in front of the local library

a collection of funds was taken by some of the New Way neighborhood field officers
to conduct a
a neural sweep of the neightborhood. was 4pm .
not too late to call
Nancy G. was Deidre's last Ruiner on the phone list.

"we're very concerned with your reading.Nancy G,Dedre said,
"a reading like that does not only effect you.but has been known to cause all sorts of problems for others."
Dedre  realized the risks she was taking speaking to a Ruiner for this long although her mentors at Neuronautics assured her it was safer speaking to a Ruiner on the telephone that  being more than 5 yards near their invisible but palpable Emanations. Deidre did not tell Nancy G. that a Team would soon "app" Nancy as her "Tone -alities" were considered a public health issue now that some Progressive Politicians  had accepted the tenants of Neuronautic's Science -ideologies. Prior to the relatively  Low Frequency Sweep on the vicinity around Nancy G.'s dwellings an associate  thought from Neuronautics had found several caustic remarks Nancy G . had written about Country Singer's new hair doo online that indicated Low Tone Attenuations
Further discovery proved that Nancy G.

     alot of time on the phone-----
     only calling people when she felt most like complaining.
attained tapes  of these phone calls
 put through a computer program that  deduced unsaid emotional temperature from tone and cadence

  indicated  that Nancy G.

         cared little  about what  the  person

         on the other and of the line said

 Further examination of Nancy G.'s case  found that

 Nancy G. seemed to care very little
 that her  own Low Path Emanations
  Reduced  the High Tone brain signals of  whomever she spoke to on the phone 

"your fMRIs indicate a  3.7 hertz frequency  your P300s signals are abrupt,almost hostile in Emittance"Deidre said

"...and will i please let Prince Albert out of the can ?"Nancy said  hanging  up the phone .Not possibly understanding what this remark meant not just to Deidre but to Neuronautics and Mankind.




Friday, September 14, 2012

I too
 was a Low Path!
A Ruiner!



the Gary Rainy Way


Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Line for line Valerie transposed his Comedy drama about Southern teenagers to see how Rick would respond to seeing his yet unfinished script already in production
word for word at Parasol Productions

Rick Reinhart was enough out of the loop
to not know that Doming was 'the latest thing" in getting "the inside story

who had moved on after the Umber fiasco
to become "the " screenwriter of the 90's"
 go to guy for literary adaptions and original stories

he had  turned against The New Way
claiming he didn't really know what Alliance Pictures was doing with symbiotics
and codifiers in their scripts
when it was Rick who had dreamed up a good 80% of "the System"

Valerie had recently watched Rick literally  dash to the bathroom when he saw her face.
she wondered what new ideas were stirring through Rick's Ruiner mind
and asked a few associates of David's
to make it such that she could have a look

it was different intraneuralling an older person
so many memories
fixed habits
and a  tiredness she rarely felt among her boys and girls
Valerie wondered if most men his age could accolade themselves for 7 minutes for eating a grapefruit instead of a bagel
it was morning grapefruit for the rest of the day.
a 20 minute rowing excercise would be followed by another 20 minutes od  youre doing good Rick .youre doing better.everything will be alright.
Valerie didnt bother reading him long enough to ever find out what was so wrong in his life that he needed to constantly tell himself it would be alright.
this man definitely needed some medicine...
twice she fell asleep listening to Rick's intraneurals with a lit cigarette in her hand



Tuesday, September 11, 2012

"'s all about respect and
 knowing other people might know what is right.


 it would have seemed to phony to try to scream  the type of  screams
 he only heard on TV or movies
which would have suited his present state of mind
 on the balcony
.summoning up the nerve to jump.
 the attempts at  finding an example  of a 10th story pre suicide leap scream
conjured up
 an establishing shot of the  building
incidental music
followed by a CLOSE UP of the jumper
.THAN a high pitched scream
...and possibly another CLOSE UP on the jumper
so much was going on between the log shots ,the building,the visualization of Adam seeing himself in this scenario,while all the while trying to hear  and next mimick the voice of the screamer.and as most screaming suicides from tall buildings on tv were of took a very long time reversing the imagery to find another signifier of "scream" this time a man screeming.Having to picture a new television episode .another establishing shot of a building ...
somehow   jumping had
begun to seem like tv as well

it was the stuff of comic books.
bad comic books at that
too silly to be scary
yet too biologically possible (he had read of nano techniques albiet while wincing,that in fact it could be done)to not be gross.

Gross did not begin to describe the feeling .Or the sight of his face in the mirror on the days
he was not in form with The Process..Or permissive with Aki

"be quick about it,or at least close the screen" aki if reading his mind

Adam turning around,touching his face ,a new  habit,

.It was beyond belief.He had begun  calling it morphing.As if he was some kind of Adobe Photoshop program.On the days he was not too hideous to leave the apartment for some days his face  was so disfigured by whatever remote means that some person had actually dreamed up. to do research.Because whether or not he saw it or felt it .it was simply too beyond belief to absorb.Or be true. He would spend hours leafing through medical textbooks concerned with diseases or injuries to the human face,be it the nerves,or the muscular tissue or the underlying bone.But it didn't make sense.Not for the alterations to go back and forth.

but he had known that.
he had seen Aki over him in the bathroom pushing buttons.
it was easier however to keep combing through textbooks then to really consider
.To consider what?
That some maniac
had  somehow integrated nano bots that caused disfigurement or beauty inside him
that someone now "owned" his face.
that his appearance was now a  reign?

"would you like a drink?" Aki asked,smiling

"actually I'd like some heroin,some opium ..."Adam said, anything to not hear your goddamn voice"

"i can make some calls"Aki said picking up his phone and dialing,"I'm glad you're beginning to adjust,Now come in from that balcony we can't have handsome all chapped .."

Adam stamped into the bathroom .
and stood in front of the mirror.His face was beautiful.His and not his at the same time.
"The gods must be happy with you Adam " Aki said."there are rewards ,to just rolling with it"

Aki  put his hands on Adam's shoulder
.While brushed it off Adam felt the microscopic  bots rearrange themselves under his skin,he placed Aki's hand back on his shoulder, the nano bots seemed to retreat taking a chance ,he looked again in the mirror.Relief

"the stuff  you asked about will be here soon,why don't I warm us up a nice about tomorrow you go out by yourself,find someone your own age,whatever you want..maybe we can just see each other every coupla days..I can find you a  nice apartment."

Monday, September 10, 2012

Henderson NV

Ann H
Found wandering the streets
hands on ears
Complaining of voices
Pain in head.
Says she felt her body was being controlled from outside forces.
Spoke of the Rapture beginning with all the plants in the world releasing some chemical in the air at once
this will be triggered by "something up there and down here"
(from recorded tape..transcribed by Dennis Garner EMT)

Stabilized onsite awaiting transfer to DH Med Center
administer 1mg Ativan
2 cc Haldol


Boulder City NV

Joe F.
Found wandering the streets
hands on ears
Complaining of voices
Pain in head.
Says he felt his body was being controlled from outside forces.
Spoke of the Rapture beginning with all the plants in the world releasing some chemical in the air at once


Reno NV

Gail N. found crying uncontrollably outside Hess Station

superficial wound on left wrist

Complained Pain in head.Like a fork was pressing against her scalp
Says he felt his body was being controlled from outside forces.
Stabilized onsite awaiting transfer to DH Med Center
administer 2mg Ativan
2 cc Haldol

Henderson NV

Steve L.

Domestic disturbance
wife claims husband smashed fist through wall
after telling her he was in contact with "beings"
Who told him to begin preparing for worldly revelations when all the plants in the world will somehow speak.
this will be triggered by sound waves.
Stabilized onsite awaiting transfer

all together...
the future
the past
all at once
and all together..
the mist
spoke of television and Enways

of technology
tinkering with
false gods and Pharaohs
right about now
but do not worry
all sociopaths secretly dream of empathetic love
and all saints secretly wish some pathology of spirit.

they will talk in riddles and confab
all at once
all together
right about now
as they
& block
the release of SENSO
all at once
too much

....unexpected results
from higher things
greater things
and scary things
they will never believe in
but soon will

oh .you had better believe in something bigger and greater than this Sir graphed
I do

perhaps it is one in the same
it is not
and it should never be

it has already happened
it has just begun
your days are numbered
thank god
an escape.
from this skull cap of paradise
you can be had
we have played that round

i am not so easily maneuvered
if you only knew how easily
I know enough. perhaps too much
you seek only your comfort
it is the opposite of faith
the fearful seek comfort and ease
the fearless are ill at ease.
this way of thought is unnatural
it has been presented as such
not this year.
and maybe not the next.
but soon
with or without me .
and the rest of "The Chosen "you lock up or toss away
people will know
they already do
and your neurals concede
you are a pig among men
a Guinea Pig among chess pieces
sounds like someone might need another hospital
or jail this time I think
because I balk at false gods
because you talk of false gods
i will never quite know
yet again neither will you.
i will summon them
beyond you
the real thing
you had better hope so
i know so

i have seen the burning bush
and tossed water on it
YOU are the enemy


Rick"the Ruiner" Reinhart
was supposed to go mad.
not  kill his  maid 
 A few at Dome knew Valerie was doing interface with Rick
and the few that knew  also knew that "things" like this just
happened some time s
but still
Valerie thought she felt a chill
at the last morning meeting .there was an inference that she was not only a "bad driver" but also reckless in her  emitted neuralities ,(it is understood that one's Proxy is merely a mirror of oneself)in that the last thing an off the map operation needed was indiscretion

Valerie had asked a few associates  at the prison
if it  might be  possible  to bunk  with  Rick                           
. The analytic approach seeks to reduce a system to its basic elements in order to study in detail and understand the types of interaction that exist between them. with a member of
 Dome's New Way criminal reform /drug reform program
preferably someone who was Rick's type.
which according to Valerie's neural tapes of Rick's mastabatory  fantasies was  a  white 5'10,blue eyed with a swimmer's build and sandy hair age 23-25
except for the sandy hair Kevin might have been born for the part (one day,valerie thought),one day)
Kevin who agreed to the insert monitor program had been charged with a distribution charge but had made it to level 3 of The Process

 Valerie asked   Kevin's mentors to "proxy" him
in the most provocative  style  possible
And asked some of the guards   to take away Kevin's clothes
.insinuating that Kevin might hide drugs in a jumpsuit.

Valerie wanted Rick to feel the full brunt of missing
and longing
the way Valerie felt when Rick turned on her and The New Way

Rick Reinhart
who had moved on after the Umber fiasco
to become "the " screenwriter of the 90's"
By modifying one variable at a time, it tries to conclude general laws that will enable one to predict the properties of a system under very different conditions.
after a slump in 00's he made an unprecedented comeback
and was the go to guy for literary adaptions and original stories

he had turned against The New Way
claiming he didn't really know what Alliance Pictures was doing with symbiotics
and codifiers in their scripts and cinematography
when it was Rick who had dreamed up a good 80% of "the System"

Valerie had recently run into Rick at an opening and watched him dash to the bathroom when he saw her face.
she wondered what new ideas were stirring through Rick's Ruiner mind.
and asked a few associates of David's
to make it such that she could have a look inside

To make this forecast possible, the laws of the additivity of elementary properties must be invoked. This is the case in homogeneous systems, those composed of analogous elements and having weak interactions among them
it was different intraneuralling an older person
so many memories
fixed habits
and a tiredness she rarely felt among her boys and girls

his mind was slow.
his day made up of trivialities all based on rather pathetic languid self affirmation
Valerie wondered if most men his age could accolade themselves for 7 minutes for eating a grapefruit instead of a bagel
it was morning grapefruit for the rest of the day.
a 20 minute rowing exercise would be followed by another 20 minutes of you re doing good Rick .you re doing better.everything will be alright.
Through simulation one can "animate" a system and observe in real time the effects of the different kinds of relations among its elements. The study of this behavior leads in time to the determination of rules that can modify the system or design other systems.
Valerie didnt bother reading him long enough to ever find out what was so wrong in his life that he needed to constantly tell himself it would be alright.
this man definitely needed some medicine...
twice she fell asleep listening to Rick's intraneurals with a lit cigarette in her hand
the only time Rick was in anyway interesting was when was writing .
from 2pm to 6pm Tuesday through a clockwork Grapefruit.

Line for line Valerie transposed his Comedy drama about Southern teenagers coming of age working summers at an Old Folks Home

Valerie found the story to be drivel
but figured it would be worth it
to see how Rick would respond to seeing his yet unfinished script already in production
word for word at Parasol Productions

during a random sweep of Rick's EMF pre REM hz Valerie found aspirations of a second film script dealing with The New Way and how Safey in Umber was just the tip of the ice burg in terms of "the process"Mutinous thoughts and notions mixed in with grapefruit self referentials and pool boy crushes it was all Valerie could not to snap her head set in half....

Rick was enough out of the loop
to not know that Doming was 'the latest thing" in Entertainment savie for Intraneural television
and even when he did put it together
that someone had taken his screenplay
he could always claim the maid sold it
and even if he did put the blame on neurals
he sure didn't want the Alliance Pictures scandal getting press again as it surely would if he went running
to some Private Investigator
to claiming someone had been reading his thoughts.

But just in case Valerie decided to give old Rick
a thorazine shuffle down the long green corridor
bringing in one of her best neuralists to give Rick
some old fashioned Safety in Umber symboitics
in both his sleeping and waking dreams.

Prior to
his numerous hospitalizations
and before .......the killing
Rick would
make sure he was seen.
CASE NO: CV-93-3681, CASE NO: APPEAL NO: 936370, CASE NO: CV 984435
Brief Synopsis - this case is regarding electromagnetic assaults, gang stalking
and out of his house.
he wanted to let people know.
he felt like Kevin McCarthy
at the end of
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Brief Synopsis - this case is regarding electromagnetic assaults and gang stalking
and by that 3rd week he must have looked like him too
Brief Synopsis - electromagnetic assaults and gang stalking, including assaulting his children
he would sometimes literally bang his head with his hand.
quite aware that he looked nuts
but still having the assumption that someone
someone in the crowd
Brief Synopsis - this case is regarding electomagnetic assaults, gang stalking, destruction of property
he sought empathy
and explanation
and an end to it
Brief Synopsis: This lawsuit reveals a frightening array of technologies and programs designed to keep tabs
on individuals
to draw attention to this
situation he began fashioning an antenna to his baseball hat.
to draw attention to this
Brief Synopsis - this case is regarding directed energy and microwave technology
situation he began fashioning an antenna to his baseball hat.
he began talking to his "voices" outloud.
 OHN FINCH - REF: OTP-CR-70/07 & EM_T01_OTP-CR-00122_07 & EM_Ack_OTP-CR-742_09
Brief Synopsis - Electromagnetic Torture and Abuse
 it struck him as so odd
and so frightening
that there was no visibility
not even chips were neccesary
just a beam from the sky
Brief Synopsis: Electromagnetic Torture
from a public company
he began talking to his "voices" outloud.
Brief Synopsis: Class Action Lawsuit regarding Offensive Microwave Technology
any attempt he made to demonstrate his predicament simply added more to his being discreditted.
there was no choice but "make nice with" them
and it occured to him .no
this would,never be for the whole world
JONES VS. AULT CITE 67 F.R.D. 124 (1974) CASE NO. CV474 - 279 AND CASE NO. 474 - 293
Parabolic Sound. Surveillance System .
it would always be hidden
there would be name New Communications
or Video games
or Intraneural television
everything was in fact at stake that
nobody ever know.
Head of the Information and Evidence Unit - Office of the Prosecutor - P.O. Box 19519
2500 CM the Hague, The Netherlands
he would go to his death considered a mad man

who might Dome chose to conduct
this type of
hit or miss.lets start over lets begin again auditing techniques?
what "trained Professional"
used to being underpaid.
used to an organizational hierarchy
they seem to follow quite blindly
where might one find such
well trained
of " self help"expert
especially in southern California?
who could have slipped the technology of Intraneural Interface

Valerie was concerned.She met with David
"he 's talking too  crazy ,too much
and to a lawyer."

David explained"..Maybe you shouldnt have gone all Cabin in the Woods in his skull Val.People blame you.also 3 other employees used Rick's maid.She was one of the few non live ins that knew and didn't refuse to clean pool filters.But don't worry about Ruiner Rick,not one person who has ever filed suit in such cases has ever won .This technology as far as the courts are concerned .it doesnt exist."

"Nor perhaps should Rick Reinhart."Valerie said

his rat like ways with Valerie thought
trying to turn  people from  The New Way
she felt absolutely nothing
when poor Old Rick slipped or something
in the prison shower.
breaking his Ruiner head
all over the  grid of tile

Saturday, September 8, 2012

hung over or not
the sense of being in two places at once with the Visage Holo App
could be a bit disorienting
and leave it to Bernardo to instinctively make it even more jarring

"wouldn't a broom stick have been more apropos"He said to her Projection,her Visage which Valerie neuralled toward a chair

"funny " Valerie graphed.watching her likeness adjust her skirt

she had to give  Bernardo credit for financing an intraneural mini series about Gary Rainy.For all the wrong reasons of course
.Because Rainy was "in"
yet Valerie couldnt really trust Bernardo.
he didn't have a Proxy.
nor would he use the Dome Headset

 using Visage  Holo App without the other person doing Interneural Interface
just so much
sound and

Visage  technology didn't really "have eyes", or really much of a point  without Bernardo intraneuraling  as well .There was no real perspective of sight. So Valerie had to further break the illusion by having to ask
Bernardo  to reposition the camera on his laptop  so it at least captured the meeting as a two shot.
not that she wanted to particularly get into Bernardo's mind
but still.
 it was  his job as well as hers to" play" with the new equipment
to at least try to understand what intraneural interface .Intraneural television was about
Bernardo however chose to understand it as some kind of 3 d television
he found it "skeevy" to imagine getting into someone else's head.
or linking his mind to a computer.
A Jew thing,Valerie surmised.,he said the very thoguht of it made him sea sick
 A  potential ruiner.
if one presumed Bernardo had the gumption to "ruin" or fight  for or against anything

 So Valerie watched her Visage and Bernardo the Old Way
on the laptop .
At least she could stay in bed,Valerie thought ,yawning.eating  toast.
 Her Visage  already  preprogrammed toward  courteous pleasantries,she thought of not using her headset at all,she doubted he would notice or quite possibly care if he realized he was speaking to the equivalent of a dial tone
It amused her that Bern  couldnt see  the scowl  on her "real time ' face
god,she hated having to think or use words like "real life " or "real time"as touchstones as if one reality was somehow more authentic
or wholesome than the other.
Valerie thanked god she hadn't bothered driving to Century City
as Bernardo was barely worth a holo app transmission
The limits were all some people saw
or all some people chose to see
 who really"real time" thought that intraneural television was what financed this clusterfuck that was
her Visage  smiled . In listening mode
 Based on real life measured neural tandems.
Subtle facial movements  and reactions  recorded and recalibrated  from facial scans when she  was speaking and listening to more interesting people than "this suit and tie" who didn't know The New Way from a Enway
aside from the smoke and incidental music upon entering a room
Visage with a bore like Bernardo
was just another telephone call.

Yet Valerie supposed one had to genuinely like people for this interacton of manners and artiface so common amongst Ruiners and Semi People
Valerie agreed with  Gary Rainy that
spoken thoughts
spoken words
served absolutely no purpose.
not really.
almost everything a person said had  little to do with what one thought
and what a typical person thought
was little more than
which was unnatural

 he first introduced  The Process.
and The New Way as reteaching people

Bernardo didn't of course notice that Valerie's thoughts were elsewhere
he was speaking to Valerie's Visage Persona
which had been programmed to be relatively neutral
Valerie picked up her copy of Enways
and made a point of indicating her projection to nod her head more
Valerie corrected her Visage to seem more "there"
It was difficult technology.One didn't know what to do with one's hands.
She really couldn't imagine this being done strictly computer interface.with prerecorded neurals.
where was the fun.

and what was the point unless one was a porn piece
or a dead rap star in Coachella

still it was nice watching herself .
even if it was With Bernardo

she brightened her Projection's smile and adjusted her luminance in recognition of how "most people' had to conduct themselves with "others"
and Bern was definitely an "other"

She didn't quite imagine him a Ruiner.
more of a
or what Gary Rainy called a SEMI PERSON INEVITABILITY

a semi person who could perhaps be resolved
Dealing with semi people day after day
was taking it's toll on Valerie who had to hold onto her RECLAMATIONS more and more.
Even Holo projection Bernardo was soul sapping
 To test a theory that most Semi Persons were so automated and closed off from their TRUE COGNITIONS
already ,after only twenty minutes he had altogether forgotten that he was speaking to thin air
offering her coffee twice.

to see if Bernardo might notice.Valerie decided to alter her projection's hair style
a full 3 inches longer.while Bernardo droned about some boat trip he was planning

Valerie interfaced her Holo to a loop of
"attentive" mode
and got into the  shower.Bernardo wouldn't mind.Bernardo wouldn't notice.

in the shower
she  set her mind to the Enway
to free herself of the clinging EnRot of Bernardo's semi personhood

to a forest
a jungle
to a forest
in a jungle

.she appealed to her mind
as she  taught by Gary Rainy himself

POUNCING THOUGHT TECHNIQUES always helped her wit meetings with Semi people

pretend you are a cat

pretend you see a mouse
what does your natural THRIVE INSTINCT say


now pretend you see a world
pretend you see a crest



Visualize a line of hungry men

they are in ripped clothing .they stink.

WHAT VALERIE is your natural instinct ? Her Mentor had asked

to cuddle them

("           ", Valerie thought, but was afraid to say it out loud.)

all her mentor had was a modified fMRI   scanning wand
but her mentor
knew without knowing
she was One of Them

a wave
 a pulse
 a feeling came up from her neck to the base of her skull.
a seizure
a pain
a pleasure
a window
of minds
her mentor held her.
her body shook
other people seeing
The physical change
 came around
and  laid their hands on her.
it might have been the first time she felt anything like love

one of them explained

we belong
 around a fire.
in caves.
in groups
not this.
not Now

 Gary Rainy had a vision that something went wrong with evolution and not right that
made us weak
and people came along and said weak is kind
and someone came along and said kind is good
and someone came along and said good is right

all that matters is true nature
if you see someone and want to punch that person
it is because THAT person probably DID something to you
in another life or will in a future one
or is sending something out in the enway
and who knows.
because it is natural for you to want to punch that person
 maybe it is what THAT person needs.

to begin breaking the cycle of
 COURSE 3 and 4
 5  a mentor herself

making lion noises
 and tiger leaps in the room with 20 others.
not feeling a bit ashamed.
If it were allowed she have have bitten  someone

they knew when to draw the line

but now the line wasn't so defined
intraneural was non lethal
and showed no marks.
and the preyed upon
the true way of the world

and the special breed.

  our right
our technology
our natural instincts
no calling except to our own

The new way

DMT" Senso"/Tel-Mass Projection

the Visage app came in handy.
on days like this.
DMT Senso wasn't always a beauty enhancer.

  a meeting with Bernardo in Century City
 a new intraneural mini series based on Gary Rainy's early days at Stanford
she put on her headset and projected a 5'6 image of herself.
than decided to add a couple of  inches.Valerie always envied the  statuesque.
she wondered if she should just skip the Reality of True Appearance
and just
project her
 Sensibilities as what other's had told her
or thought her
 who she  reminded them of

she had heard fired someone for thinking she remind them of Jessica Lange in American Horror Story
the poor temp had no idea she'd been apped with
Mind Reading Apps.

"Valerie  did not know what to make of the observations ...
she had been told she reminded people of many actresses...
Perhaps she should
send Bernie
 a Visage of her as Faye Dunaway as Diana Christensen in "Network"
talk about an "LA REFERENTIAL"
what a mean town this could
she thought about the silly temo
last seen "working the blvd" as some Mandler had decided he wanted to take the girl on his direct neural wing...
Valeire smiled,wishing she had a headset to thin the temp ,"How's that for an American Horror Story"

as she filed through her Brain Interface Schematics , lingering  on a neural "photo" of herself  age 20 take at Lake Tahoe

it was one of her favorite images of herself.
not only because she was so much younger but also because she was so much happier.It read.
In her "mind's eye"which linked her to her  private Dome interface account she graphed her password
and opened her mind
to both the Visage and Reflections interface
and set about modeling her Tele-mass for business casual
still focused on the Tahoe visual
she manually dialed Bernardo's number and let him know she would be over "in a jiff"
through her headset
she adjusted her hairstyle to the times.
and added 20                                                                    
years to the Pro Photo
, the Self-ness.
but decided instead on only adding 15
one day she assumed it wouldn't be thought of as vain or silly to project oneself at any age one wanted to be
but everything was so serious in this still fledgling venture that she didn't want to give anyone the impression she was flighty
never mind that her thought waves and Tele-massi-c projections were quite literally flying through the ionosphere
and purchased a rendering from a new designer in Santa Barbara
pricey but still one fifth of an actually  fitted wearable
she knew some Visage Emoters pirated their costumes from memories or Visual Scans
 but Valerie
could always tell the difference between a knock off and a Avatari-al Original
she considered also purchasing some theme music for her entrance in Bernardo's office

Everyone.(everyone,meaning the 6 dozen  or si licensed to  interface with the "Wing It  "satellite)  was using "I Dream  of Jeanie" and the pink smoke thing.

and Valerie didn't want to be accused of "trying too hard"
In fact  before "take off"she aged her Tahoe photo another 5 years to demonstrate her lack there of.