i had painted over the small people and little visuals -representations of the Occipital overrides my "Mandlers" send me to keep me "in line"
I try my best ..to find this experiment exciting ...as if there is a reason I was chosen to be "app-ed"
instead I am reminded ...no..
no reason ...
we have lots and lots of Jims ..
as all kinda' kids were BORN quite literally ONLY to be
for reverse brain engineering.
techniques predicted to be viable back in the mid 60's
and much of the nasty abuse I received ..\
growing up was JUST to make clapboard book ends
so they might have all kinda' situationals to work with
as cues
mainly much of the abuse I RECIEVED
was just so there would be "markings" or what they call Imprints
"my team" who practices Tele -Presence on my noggin day and night
they called this junk they did monarch programming with Neuro Linguistics.
and supposedly all these mean countries were doing the same exact shit.
as if -this makes it better?
doesn't that make US the mean nasty country
...I presume I was supposed to "think beyond " that..
but it didn't quite work that way .at all
so now I am truly -to them-
a dissident-
not just one raised to "paint like one"
so it's not a very good relationship
and they kinda' just want me gone..
they explain .that to them " I am like the bad pancake that always
is from the first batch..
and that is what I should always keep in mind
they MAKE ME keep all kinds of stuff "in mind"
cause they know every damn thing in my mind
as they categorically placed it there..
there used to love me questioning it..
hmmm did you all like keep all the phones on...and put tiny mini cameras in those foster homes..
they liked me bringing this shit up to shrinks ..
so I'd have some ..
cred ..
that OOOOh "he's just one of "those"
but I got wise
and that's when they started turning on me
for not "going along with being a "sampling" to
perfect psychotronic torture techniques
...you're like WTF man
than I saw the doc and he asked about what the seeing and hearing was like ...
I said ..well
every now and than they put the two things together..
but not very often ..not very often enuf for it to be like fun
and the dr shook his head..
and I had to tune into Evan who said
"well so much for that Dumbo"
I didn't understand...
until the doctor told me he thought it might be possible "i was malingering"
NEVER do aural and visual hallucinations ...mix together..
I got pissed...at the dr and said.."man they're trying to do some wild shit..for like movies
and gaming and to drive someone out of their mind and out the window..
so it's not my problem if A.I. and VR and BCI don't always fir into
these patterns of psychosis..is it..
besides dr. I told you it was "apps"
and the dr told me he's believe me more if I said it was voodoo or space aliens..
and that was that..
he told me I should find another shrink
Evan was furious. I think he might have assumed I would cease getting some government check
and that I'd have to get some job..
and bore him to death .."hello sir can I help you" that will be fourteen dollars and 45 cents.
mainly Evan wants me to watch TV...so they can learn how to
standardize Cues and Referential based on common knowledge
sound and vision
because they can't really do that Human Baby lab test shit no more..
except on ..like actors
so the actors have all this Method already packed into their noggins with
ritualized Abuse..
cuz ' that's how damn much dough actors and movies bring "to the table"
that there are exceptions s to the rules..
..from that day I "narc-ed" on Evan and the Mandlers by making the mistake of saying every now and than they match up the sound and vision like
I'm just communicating with a hologram only I see.
started hating on me...big time
losing all trust in my judgment
since than I often have to force myself to "look back on better days" when every day didn't seem like my last
with threshold testing..
know what???
they threatened to sell my ass to some biological company
and ...began shoving pictograms and notions that some firm
like introduce
like ....insect DNA into me
and begin making me like
into "The Fly"
or some half human half horse like
island of dr moreau
stuff ..yes...make it ALL the second part of Cabin in the Woods instead of the first part of cabin in the woods.
now you tell me ..has anybody ..anybody on the entire face of the earth alllll thru written and unwritten time EVER had more excuse to use street drugs..
or any thing whatsoever to//try to get past these threats they say are promises..
I force myself to "think"
kindly of the events
that are horrific feeling like I am the French guy AND the little BOY "Life is wonderful"
to somehow 'THINK of this human testing as cool
as the latest shit man..
but it is not so easy....
figure lying prone in the painting
seemingly fascinated with the "take and take of the proceedings although now that"the worst of it was over my predicament could be seen I suppose as "give and give", thanks to my re-app with" the new ability" to recieve and presumably Impart (c) visual overlays in the summer of 2011 thru a "close encounter" with an "associate" who gave me a "rash of nano"dermal entry induction/inception micro
none of the science of "what the fuck is going on" was known to me until I was given (by a not so associated fella") several books and diskettes explaining the race for singularity,AI and BCI in southern california
including the book "Project Soul Catcher" the "bible of Targeted Individuals and Human Experimentees the world over
,sorry" Dome" if I am bad PR for preliminary testing
run in a Pre- Nuremberg Law"shoot the moon"style of those unaccountable to anybody
as there was a maze of outsourcing done with "this state of the art"MK Ultra -Modern MindFuck"apparatus that all but encouraged such" Progressive Actions"
especially because of the implicit deniability of such actions still mistaken (although n ot as much as they believe) for schizophrenia or the very least a "manic -depressive"episode with psychotic delusion
many go along with the fold
believeing they are in some ways "part of the project"
it is also addictive
hidden and the threats of "telling" are real enough to be believed
yet when one is told enough times that they might not live to see the next day
one begins to not especially care anymore if one does
and as registered trademarks began slipping into the "the graphs.(.i presume to see if Mentee might make associations with products)there was an indignation toward "the project" that to my suprise surpassed even the very worst phase of being a human guinie pig as I now had proof I was being not only taken advantage of but quite literally rented out not only for manuevers or "the Singularity" but for profit
me who often made less than one thousand dollars a month,often destitude..playing schizo for "the cause and my Mentors"
for "streaming" displays of the Pilsbery Doughboy and Coca Cola Polar Bears?
first eugene landy 24/7 vivasection of "the type B " personality Proxy Cyber had "deemed to Save" when they first found him hooking and drugging on santa monica blvd 18 years earlier.
one almost yearned for the brutalness of it all..the patty hearst turning of "take off"

for don't assume my "therapy" was done
for me
or with any intent
other than "clearing" me enough
through approximately 7 different types of
methodolgies for easier dominant/passive exchange so necessary
before segue into
resistance threshold,
binary seperation and neural data collection via
"auditing" techniques practiced by certified ,though in my opinion certifiable operating Creeeetins
just one of the many
smooth operators whom have had a access thru controlled access technology to the "playgrounds in my mind"
you're doing us a favor with this mish mash Jimbis.
You're presenting yourself as crazier and crazier.
YOU have no PROOF or
credibility,you sound more and more like an obsessive LOON
I think of the year 2021 for no reason
I assume I will live perhaps 3 more years at most
I realize all too well the more I try to state my case the more I sound
but again I think 5,no 10 years down the line.
when maybe someone famous or important or something
makes the same claims
or who knows "Dome" reinvents itself as a public company
and someone asks "How and whom did you use " to make this
a viable option for Mental Enhancement?
lab rats
27 college interns "in house"?