Saturday, February 16, 2013

i try to remember what it was like before being tagged
before my mind could be read
before my senses could be over ridden by someone elkse's sound and vision
and sense of what it meant "to be good"
a good citizen and a Good team player
or whatever one is
or whatever Good means when one is online to Mentors

i never thought I was missing anything
but than I suppose people in the old days
before movies were invented didn't think they were missing anything either

i suppose they formed and imagined themselves quite differently
the Beautiful People arrived in their eyes.and than their ears
as examples,early mentors of what they should be like

i suppose it's the same with direct neural interface
or will be
when and if they go public
people would not know how they lived without it
and might have a very difficult time imagining life without it
and Mentors

i remember i used to be afraid
of the Jetsons,especially the closing theme
i always made my brother change channels before it ended
and it showed George on the treadmill that went round and round,unable to get off it
or make it stop.

"Jane get me off this crazy thing ,"he said again and again ,and nobody rescued him,nobody turned it off ,nobody cared

he just kept going round and round


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