Sunday, January 13, 2013

how does one go about writing a document
about something taking place
right here right now
when the things I write about will not be believed for 15 years?
and if they are believed it is with a wink and a smile
 as the  media has presented cybernetic augmentation as only action movie dream boat horse shit people in motorcycle jackets scaling buildings and leaping from buildings not some schmuck in a 150 sq ft room..seeing and hearing shit.(all the better to mask it as schizophrenia Jim Boe,don't let go the coat)
 it goes without saying that before a Jason Bourne gets apps
these apps are tested on the lowest segment of the population(hey Evan)
Junkies,Tramps and thieves
mental patients,homeless people etc.
there is absolutely no reason or reward in  testing this equipment now so small to be all but undetectable (the further wonders of nano tech)by current  medical scanning machinery
also the more definitive  scanning testing  is quite an expensive undertaking
and there are so many pay offs amongst physicians,cops and lawyers in this multi billion dollar industry that one is hard pressed  to get anywhere whatsoever regardless
this exciting new industry attracts a strange lot to begin with
they too with a  hankering for Black Op motor cycle mentalities
and small black pistols in purses
I can spot them a mile away
or closer
if it's
keep Him In Line Day
they talk a funny way
in riddles and rhyme
...we have a language of shorthand,cues and in jokes ,some in fact taken right from my noggin

the cues
can be televised the old way
why you might even  see THAT rhino
or a gazelle
but you say there are already laws about using brain computer interface with programmed television
why is that?
one would think that could slip by being that
thinking one is communicating with the television is evidence of schizophrenia.

nobody however mentions
that's not how it's done
it's more about referencing ....
and repeating the said reference
in Ground Bound recognition of introduced...yadda yadda yadda
what did YOU think of when you read
yadda yadda yadda
Doesn't that woman have the same visage and hairstyle as that actress in that show

This emerging business that is also protected by emerging  laws of secrecy because of BCI and Direct Neural Interface's benefit to the state
 Submission is key to The Process
The Process of making a man or woman Open Minded and Receptive to" being driven,rendered,steered"
is very much like training a dog
There is a breaking in period when
one is shown who's boss
quite like a "wayward" prostitute is broken in by his or her pimp
so "the bitch" they're owned
so they might know their place
as this activity requires the chain of command
yes sir
that most administrators,generals and CEO"s desire

there is also
out of necessity
a giving in
for there is an entrancement to well plotted cybernetic strategics
that goes beyond Stockholm Syndrome
and beyond the resistance is futile amend to the situation
that often comes after a hospitalization
for if one is actively fight another "presence" in one's thought process
one IS truly in danger of TRUE mental illness
which serves as a perfect camouflage for Psychotronic Human test Subjects
I do not know of anyone who would essentially give not only their bodies,brain and consciousness
for any cause
for any reason
for any money
most Targeted Individuals in these human experiments end of either killing themselves or dying mysteriously.
we are liabilities and means to an end(god ,the true god only knows what this end is)from day one

this is quite clear ,early on ,as much of the Sequentials and Story-Boarding is done to scare the liability
into a  perpetual state of terror ,warning and distraction
(the madder one looks the better,I suppose the madder one types the better as well,but for today at least I have decided to stop skirting around the issue with fictionalized or stylized example instead perhaps appearing more "mad" writing about this as fact.
 For when I speak to friends about my situation
I feel I am speaking a foreign language
and indeed "cybernetic fielding "is a new language
 I find I must speak of it as metaphor or make comparisons to various films that have presented
Direct Neural Interface vaguely realistically
films such as 2006's"Hardwired"
or the Gang Stalking harassment "ever present  "Goon Squad"  which is well represented  in the film "Seconds(1966)..
so important is it to them that this :new" technology by kept secret
is terrifying
the fact that there is so much use for this covertly
and that the inserts(bots) are now so small to be so easily and discretely placed and  that designs and intentions  of said inbeds are of total intrusion and more recently augment , influence,and detainment should not only terrify me
but all of us.

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