Friday, April 27, 2012

"practice preachin"" with Brother Tallis


i cannot use the term proxy
or the proxy logo
nor am i to ever mention proxy
or reveal my past associations with prox.
but i do like the whole "group " thing
i like the.chain of command .and I like wearing ties.
i even bought a sweater vest.
"If you"re not with us you're against us"
can go both ways.

i will begin my own group.
i will also go to the streets.although prox thinks i am too undisciplined .and immature.they did at least say I was contageous.
a blight.
they called me but i have heard them call others worse.
i guess i cant use the term perishables either.

i will carry on some of the traditions.and styles I picked up.from my fellowship
they like me are contageous.
I will always carry a little of them inside me.
and I share my "blight"with my comrads..."all of my friends,all of my friends"

One of my traveling companions idolizes this Physical Beauty and all that it embodies
Brother Tallis is an attractive man but finds himself "in SwooN"
 at the gym
"you know the type"he says."it isnt just their looks ,it's their entire persona."

 I tell brother Tallis,"Yes.I know the type.The Gelin' like a felon "type.I appreciate this sort the way i appreciate a statue at a museum or public park.
but i certainly don't want this somehow get off his mantel and set precedence or worse start telling people what to do.or that we must be like him.and this model of perfection that you gape at....

"Oh" Tallis shouts,"you're just jealous."

He has not been on my path,so I allow such backtalk
."But no",a voice says in my heart
and I punch him in the stomach
once he has  has recovered from the blow I rub the top of his head to show no ill will,no malice.
I continue,
"jealous.No.I have seen the New Way first hand brother,There is a disease which comes with this beauty.this alpha type.this high cheekbone ,slim wife of his that only buys gluten free.and "yell/smiles" at her mexican maid,this maid who can't afford gluten anything..Never be envious of that type again brother!
that type has had thousands of years on top of the hill.
.look not at false idols.if you see "a gellin felon" at the gym feel free to picture a collar around his neck.he will wear one soon enough
.For during  the First days of the End's Beginningwe  will wipe scum such as this off the New World's surface. forever.
Oh the Power we have given these People! exomorphs.extroverts.the pretty girls who develope nasty smiles that remain permanant lipstick on their faces for life .This is who we follow .who we gaze at.who we feel less than?or these Sportysport  men you crumble  for .men with the same permanant lipstick snears as their queen bee bitch counter parts,they are the same species of cunt.the same species who shout "faggot " from cars while their future wives yell yip yip yip lifting their blouses over their heads, leaning out of cars.this is who rules the world NOT FOR LONG brother Tallis
they have whiter teeth
but their teeth arent sharp
they cant go wild enough to leap
to leap like a mentally ill cheetah
released on probation
rasied on shit food with chemicals and grease ANd GLUUUTen
not square plates with carmalized white asparagus Brother Tallis.


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