Sunday, March 3, 2013

Damn Yankees

Human Trials Planned For Brain Computer Interface 2011

By MORGEN PECK -  Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, led by Dr. Schwartz, will soon begin clinical trials on two different techniques for plugging into human brain power.

Human Trials Planned For Brain Computer Interface 1994

Damn Yankees,was code for casting  "the initial" subjects"... which began with In house "Scouts"scouring the streets of West Hollywood  in the Summer of 93'
for "new comers" either just off the turnip truck or those who looked like they had been run over by a turnip truck years ago .when those "damn Yankees"  came from the east to be under the H-O-L-L-Y-W-O-O-D  letters and under some "sell"  that  some kind of Schraft's Drugstore had a booth for them..and it did,but the drugs they were serving would only be to put the under enough to shove some chips up their ...

..scientists,some of the best and brightest(2 ),with insight and access to covert information on bio/neuro nano technology ... decade(s) ahead of the "times"(3)...the as yet unknown initial launch of Direct Intranueral was  lead by  *****  who disappeared from the public eye  in the early 70's when  news of his involvement  with  a self help movement which some considered..,
" a "Cult.."Gary Rainy said,  in his last taped interview,"or a Sect"or a "Covenant"or any of those semi mystical or just plain SILLY words one gives to something they want to minimize, discredit or destroy"

although Rainly publicly acted as outraged spokesman toward the general public's misunderstanding of "The New Way"s tactics and tautology,privately he delighted in the general population's misinterpretation (this misinterpretation instigated  by The New Way itself  by some the best PR Firms in Los Angeles )of "The Cause" for it acted as impenetrable shield against what serious undertakings were taken place,that could now take place, "In Plain Sight"

direct neural
became more about monitoring
 for the inevitable OD or slashed wrist
an inevitable collection 
for The Team
whose sole job was to get "the inserts" back
before possible autopsy
Cole was pushing it
he knew.
but the only way for his mind to be both slow and pointed enough to extract any
"reverse "interface from his "mentor"
was to use whatever chemicals he could find
to alter his brain functions enough
to "plug in" to "an entity" that had obviously  been trained to thwart such intrusion

a few words
a few images

but soon the images
became snapshots
next  small scenes

 Cole  understood from an un hindered ,un buffered EVAN that it was EndGame and Cole was now monitored simply to initiate removal protocal

        the  inhaled stimulants were a mistake .to THEM his use of them indicated
  he had GIVEN UP..
had gone the way of the others,had taken "the Easy way out"instead of the fact that they must have understood?that he had used stimulants to try to understand ,to "fight back"to "learn" how to better give feedback that didn't torment his mentors with strangeness or regressive infantilism brought on by the stress
his wish to understand  and slow his mind  had backfired .Cole blamed himself for making
 himself " Expendable" ,Unresolvable
his slowed mind instantly understood through unfettered interface that EVAN's main job was to no longer "drive him crazy"   but simply to "check" his neurals directly every 2 to three hours for a span of about 20 minutes
to make sure
Cole's inevitable death  from cocaine poisoning
would be handled by
only "the friends" of "The New Way"  their  cops ,their  hospital , their  pathologist
it wasn't as if the "inserts" would be found.
 the techno" the size of white blood cells

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