Thursday, March 7, 2013

Field Trip to Dome Laboratory

Couldn't they just hand out pamphlets,Lind N. asked herself.She certainly was not going to ask anyone around her.
A field trip?
riding in a van ?
She was suprised Evan had not asked them to wear Dome logo T shirts .
Although the group around her was well dressed and manicured she considered the investors outsiders,not true loyalists.
after all the field trip was to convince them that the Lyme Disease problem concerning the use
of mosquitos as “change agents”to  scalp  future converts with electronic nanofiber .
compatible with Dome  headsetswere behind them
,"as.thanks to Dome Mini ,....less than a micrometer in diameter and can be spread throughout the brain to monitor patterns of neurons..are now small enough to enter the host"s system by adding the nano to shampoo,they can also piggy back on viruses making it easier to add to edibles."Said the liason holding up a pair of the new headsets designed now by Stella Mccartney,presumably based the outline of a 1965 Ford Mustang and a seemingly empty hand filled with the unseeable Mini."
Now if you will follow me to ...the dream room

The "dreamroom" contained The Mythograph,a rather large component still in development which was being  
...Loaded  with “The Dreams of  Gary Rainy",.from direct downloads of Gary Rainy's fMRI neural reads.or  those presumed by the disciples   specially selected by Evan Rainy who had studied the texts ,videos and past films of Gary Rainy to help mold future Neuronauts toward of a collective moral integrity,based on New Way principals."
The liason went on ,and Linda N. did little to cover a yawn ,she knew all this,she just wondered why these outsiders around her had to know anything but who to write a check to,these outsiders who could care less about Neuronautics but wanted to slip ads into the overlays and dreams,
"Neuronautics mentors could aid in brain computer interface to not so much manipulate our dreams but to sort of be a “catcher in eye” if you will to keep The Team from falling into Old Way patterns fraught with UNRESOLVABLE ENROT
 Rainy Day Children don't have to worry about getting lost in the Old Way, as out Muralists have organized Gary Rainy's teachings into a structure that seamlessly combines one's own individual consciousness and unconscious REM with Night Time Mentorship of Captain Gary .Now don't think for a moment that these dreams will be hinky dinky tutoring  creating some type of cloned mind.A Team must comform to win The Game  ,but individuality is what we are looking for .everyone cannot be a 1st basemen on a tema,we need pitchers,catchers,3rd basemen and always always those angels ,in the outfield.Now,in these dreams and in the overlays that will descend upon the group like pennies from heaven will be a buffet of wonderful addendums to our personalities that ,for a small price we can add to our conscious self,which is where The parasol Pictures calvacade of stars comes in handy...who doesn't want to add Adam Parker or Gloria Tandem's smile ,grace and sexual appeal to their “bag of tricks”?


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