Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Instant Evolution

Indis O Say was asked to do a follow up to 'Let Us Be Conquered " for  the Young Adult market
that stressed Seppuku
as the ultimate sacrifice an individual could make for his or her  species.
The word suicide .according to an e-mail should not be mentioned .Valerie Prentiss and her constituents had discovered from various polls and demographic studies that  the word   implied pain first in foremost in a human organism
But what if this could be turned around Indis? What if scientific endeavor managed to make Seppuku not only a painless experience but a Joyful ,Wondrous Experience?
Indis' follow up to "Let Us Be Conquered" according to Valerie was to instill "the Giving-ness of Giving up one's Life "as the highest ideal of Mankind.
Valerie wanted Indis's new book to celebrate the hereafter as just the next step to Evolving but faster..
so long as one did it..
or was nudged into believing one was doing so for the Greater Good by Immersive Reality.

In the new book requisitioned by Parasol Press as part of his contract Indis was told
the Young Adults should be shown  what she called Seppuku Centers that "Laid one down to Eternal Sleep" in the most scientifically humane manner possible...
and that Indis's main job was to describe the actually second to second Practical Perishing
in detail
- based upon a collected neural read of a 17 year old boy a Team of researchers  had "app-ed" with nano bio tech to enable a Brain Computer Interface
According to Valerie Prentis the "app-ing" of the young man was a public service
and also "an outline" for Indis O ' Say's new novel
to best allow Indis to understand that the  Practical Perish  Process
without he himself having to "go through it"
Practical Perish ,Valerie explained was and would be done
with induced Direct Energy aimed at the areas of brain that produced euphoria and pleasure.

"The boy Indis was  put down FOR YOU Indis...let it not be in vain" a note attached to the box of disks delivered to Indis's house read

There were 3 disks according to the type written note inside the box-
One  disk  pertained to the persona of the boy's brain signals taken on his  last day on earth to provide the writer and therefore the reader with enough character development to understand THIS IS A GOOD BOY WHO IS NOT BEING PUNISHED BUT ACTUALLY SAVED from the DAILY
DAILIES of life on earth
Disk one according to the memo that accompanies it read  coned a complete Direct neural Interface of 24 hours of .What the boy saw ,felt ,tasted...
the second disk was a Neural Read of Synthesized Intervention
when the boy "/the hero" Indis read on from the memo is
 Interfaced an Angelic Vision of Beautiful  Woman in Gold
who with Sound and Image introduced straight into the boy's temporal lobe
"explains the wonders of the Next World that occurs ONLY when one's spirit leaves the body"
and how the Boy who's Emminations  depict a nature so glorious and rare
have instructed the Old Gods to LET the Boy be welcomed into the Celestial After world early
so his pure soul can not be soiled by it's exposure to Earthly ....

A Woman In Gold ? Indis thought thinking how provincial Valerie could be
How out of touch.
Perhaps a woman in string bikini could entice a 17 year old boy to be "all in" to the Enway
with the residual EWWWW that even the most strident New Way Followers of the Great Gary Rainy
were a little worried might remain in the electromagnetic spectrum..

The closest thing to G-d his benefactors believed in..
In way Indis thought it was almost heartwarming that Valerie Prentis could even perceive of anything
so rooted on Myth...to induce "a good boy" to
Happily in Hzs
remove themselves from "The New Way"
but he'd be damned if he'd have anything to do with pushing this particular Imbue further into the minds of children..
this is not the deal he made when he agreed to work with Parasol Pictures.

For a moment Indis thought of Attenuating himself to the Muse
he had found upon finishing his Level 7 course load at the local Neuronautics center.
but the Muse remained muted
as if wanting to study Indis without undo influence ..

Indis looked at the disk that according to Valerie contained "the all of the 17 year boy"
that Parasol had 'app-ed" for character notes for Indis's Young Adult Novel
and wondered if the upon inception with the Synthetic Entity
the boy truly exited the only world he knew for the promise of a better one
both 'art' in heaven
and here on the earth that NEEDED self sacrifice for depopulation..

"I won't do it ," Valerie heard Indis say on the phone.
"Yes Indis' you will do it and the book will be splendid .I know you often have concerns before you write ..I also know you must often take a few days to turn to the Entities to ask for guidance...Do you really think that Muse that you hear is mystical Indis..Trust me Indis you don't want that Muse turning on you..Think for a moment what relief this Young Adult book will have on children that in a very short time might need something tangible to turn to when they Pass On to the Higher Affinities of Beingship.."

"I won't do it ," Indis said ,"I didn't quite understand what I was getting into"

"You understood exactly what you were getting into babe,and don't forget I have your recorded Brain Signals to prove that fact...everyone must play their part..You were always so easy a read Indis...even without technology...Right now you are wondering if YOU will be one of those who sticks around when the Deep Purple falls...and another part of you is wondering DO I REALLY WANT to Be Around in this New World they are making...?Do not worry little lamb ..Anyone who agreed to write for The New Way...paint for the New Way or Act or Film for The New Way will not BE in the New Way..This Indis' is not about living much longer honey but on how slowly and drastically you want to die ...Give some nice headset Virtual Reality time to the 17 year old boy's beautiful last breaths  ...and think YOU TOO when the time comes might also bow out this way...OR..we have a program that can slow down time ...raise pain receptors....and..make one's final act a Hell that only the very best at Parasol Pictures presents.."

Indis read the memo that explained "How Hard is it to explain the necessity of the species requiring
a little sacrifice to carry on the species "those youngins KNOW may very well be on the verge of extinction unless every does their part to Begin Again?

  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

although they had  begun the 'start up" with all sorts of contracts with what Evan called the United Waits(as in let's wait for this to become part of popular reform and legislature,let's wait for the congress to ok this,let's wait for the house of representative to decide what WE as A  people represent ) ....
*and this New Llanguage was to Direct Neural Interface
and the Semotic Symbology  that could and would  act as Tracks and Tract to keep A New Tribe on key..

       "We the People ,"Evan joked.."As if the country must endlessly invision in it's collective mind  some vision of men in powdered wigs and buckled shoes"
Dome and Neuronautics began being purposely negligible in "wowing "it's delegates in DC ,preferring to let more established computer companies deal with the United Wait of it all concerning mind reading /mind augmenting systems,
A system of Instaneous Evolution that they would only use for emergencies and offensives.."nothing  with ingenuity ,nothing revolutionary.."Evan said as he swayed Dome and Neuronautic members to veer away from what Evan called Motherment contracts  and  to focused more on LA and the private sector, not afraid of a  New World ,New Words and New Wild Frontiers ,encouraging the various scientists and developers at it's disposal  to not  risk  registering it's patents.. as the less THEY knew the Better ,asThe New Way depended on a selective-ness  that was drawn to  secrecacy and blind faith loyalties.As thse traits could and would   keep the  Party  behind the red rope exclusive.

there is no false front with Neuronautics and The New Way
and Tru Followers of Trugenics were not hard to come by once the scanning was done
as  once one's mind was  read there was literally a neural data file of some previously private interior snap shots
also Evan explain..after the initial excavation

it's as if every false notion and nicety towards one fellow man that one is taught to think is  broken down to what one truly  feels.this can be a very frightening experience  which is why we train mentors.

"one can finally SEE,"Evan Rainy exclaimed,""scientifically, that there is a problem in making us believe falsely and for for centuries that we are all the same
that we are all equal
that we all good
 that we are all necessary.
In fact this technology proves rather decisively not only are we not

this type
has been emitting it's psychic stink into the world your world my world for years
they seem predisposed to propogate their kind ONLY for this reason
their children and their children's children emitting UNRESOLVABLE ENROT into ENWAY unababted
"just because you don't see smell
doesnt mean you smell it
I 've been trained through Neuronautics to sense a Ruiner 5 blocks away
WITHOUT intraneural interface

when one has neural processing..you will see that
 what one says
is rarely what one thinks
there is no false front with Neuronautics and The New Way


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