Friday, May 18, 2012

...human targets..he calls them he had gotten in touch with me.reading the blog
.they won't stop he says...they own you ..he speaks like he bold caps...
he sounds insane.
"this stuff youre writing's too close..."he speaks in whispers as if our phone call is being monitored.his name is insane name
"someone obviously has fucked with you experimented on you.they do that"
again with the whispers as if anyone who bothered monitoring our phone calls couldnt decipher a hushed voice
"clearly youre trying to say something...something happened that you want to express.."
i am now talking or thinking in whispers.
ya think crazy jordan?ya think?except i never got so far think what i might really do or say if someone called me on it..
i pictured this jordan .,scouring the internet for SIGNS  or something..typing the words aztec,2012 human cloning,human augumentation....waiting for his next social security check
maybe his mother brings him his meals.maybe he lives with his mother.
"it's a made up story..," sorta based on some stuff or other.....some sorta stuff that happens and happened....No worries..
They have ways of making you talk,i imagine him saying next, i picture him as a cartoon.I don't know how to hang up without hurting his feelings
.".the stuff they dont tell us coulkd fill an ocean,"He says".did you know there are drugs that  cause some telepathy shit. hallucinigenics ..all these experiments ,they go nowhere,they can't even be used as weapons. They do it.JUST BECAUSE JIM it's like Joseph Mengele secretly runs the entire
JESUS and Jamie why did i post this fucking shit.I need more crazy around me like i need a ...

another run in with Breach Man

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