Saturday, May 19, 2012

the pineconeman

Crazy interneural interface and satelites....human targets..he calls them he had gotten in touch with me.reading the blog.they won't stop he says...they own you ..iwrite it anyway you want call yourself jimbisand much of the same things i have been writng about "as fiction".T Joshua tells me they use some of these "things" on  prisoners.they used it on eileen warnos..WHO IS THEY ,JIm
.COME ON! aside from this fiction  dreck ADMIT that YOU THINK AT LEAST YOU KNOW WHO THEY IS!
I think I know what he is getting at.I think of him as is easier.Easier than thinking who THEY probably are.He too has brain damage and can barely give a damn what he has said the second before. Or Felt the second before.He found me online .He knows I have nowhere to go.Not .Really.i know the look.he is are the others he hangs out with who have been "played with" NO JIM not PLAYED WITH he says," experiemted on.!"..
..the stuff they dont tell us could fill the ocean .did you know there are drugs that  cause some telepathy shit. hallucinigenics ....for a while  it's wild than it's flowers for algernon all over the place..these people can't finish a sentence.they sound crazier than me.but as these months have progressed I can't judge anyone as mad.I hate that i know what they are talking about all these experiments ,they go nowhere,they can't even be used as weapons. They do it.JUST BECAUSE JIM it's like Joseph Mengele secretly runs the entire secret of what.the Army ,the US Army.don't be an idiot JIMBIS or WHATEVER dumbass name you use in that Monstrositous so called Blog.why did I come here?I wanted answers.Not more Crazy.Joshuah's girlfriend wrote me several strange e mails saying she can read "through" what i write and she knows it isn't fiction(no shit)....

Joshuahs girlfriend was a so called Firekeeper.she tended to the wood and the blaze that was lit 24/7 .she also saw the fire in people's eyes.
she said my fire went eyes were like  a wet log.i agreed.
i knew a guy like you .she said.he hung himself.
"i've heard that before "I told her.
"i bet you have" she said  and told me about the guy.

the pine cone man was a guy who was on welfare and lived
with his sister who he didnt he left and lived outside
he had nothing to do.
he was simple or something.
he began making all sorts of sculptures out of pine cones.
some guy saw the pinecone sculptures and began selling them
the pinecone man had enough money to move into a small apartment
than he ran out of money.
and had to live on the street again
and stopped even bothering doing anything with pinecones

I identified with the pinecone man.
i did art for a time.but it came to nothing financially or otherwise.why bother
".know what i mean jellybean?"
do you have any of the art she said's in a box .
"can you get the box?"
no .the box is tied up I said
"you're not good with knots "she said,"or string.It's a good thing.because if you were you might have hung yourself like the pinecone man"
"yes ,"I said "i'm afraid things are quite desperate"
"i can do good things with a box of art,and you need good things."
"much of the art isnt up to par but an equal part is damn good"
"we will get the box and seperate the good from the bad don't you think.Perhaps put the bad art on the fire .The fire can't go out...I don't want you to be a pinecone man"
"i am quickly becoming the pinecone man,"I said,"but,how do i put this nicely , you seem to be rather  crazy.Can crazy people sell art?"
"only crazy people can sell art.We must get that box.Which is tied up..We must get it soon"

"the pineconeman ,the pinecone man.don't become like the pineconeman"Joshuah began singing and than his girlfriend got us back on track.
"he does that sometimes.sometimes he can't stop.That's why he needs all the help he can get.As do you jim.All the help you can get but first we must get you painting again .and away from this "in search Of " stuff you're writing.there's no money in it for one.and just might get you..."
"the pineconeman ,the pineconeman,don't become like the pineconeman"Joshua sang

I walked away from the fire.
i walked and walked.
he walked.
i walked.
HE walked
the more desperate he got the less he thought of himself as an I
it was easier to become third person.
he was that despondant
he wondered if he might soon break off into more and more people the more he went down
and he was going down fast
what would be so wrong .
ending up like the pinecone man?


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