Sunday, May 6, 2012

i had warned them .last sping
that in the next few months things would happen to me(by proxy ,if you will)
that would represent
man who
is different
would be treated
and dealt with when
popped up
(and you by now must have gathered who THEY me,they ain't in the sky.well.they're up and down.)

are you were selcted.that you are THEM?
OH enough of this I say.Yes Yes whatever.I was for some reason selected.who knows why.why are you stuck on this point.
oh dear the arrogance of me.loser that i am
 being for whatever reason chosen (Oh dear he he say chosen?.the nerve)...anyway
moving on.can we move on

by all means.and why ask.i am the one being interrogated.well yes.i had knowledge that I and thus you all would be tested back in the spring of 2012...I shoulda seen it coming.
that there would be a repeat of 1994's happenings at the gilbert hotel.for that is why I came back.that is the promary reson I came back to california
but this time it was different.
as i said i was here to represent
Represent who may i ask.
The Meek i suppose.the meek who have to rely on everyone around them.
the cops .the jailers.the lawyers.the nurses.the "street people"his brother.his mother.the rich people of palm springs
as i said I reported on the coming"crisis"ahead of time.after that i suppose i WAITED.
let's just say it grew .the strange things going on around me,within me until it reached quite obvious proportions(hence my problems with the van nuys police)
let's stay away from the topic.i have been warned,trust me.Let's just say me and a certain nameless entity "had a moment รค communion if you will
and how did that fair?
some days were better than others.but the question of course is how did YOU ALL fair.isnt it.for of course with so much intensity (you have no idea)I couldnt handle this myself.and that seemed to be the point.that i would have to leave my apartment and seek help from my fellow man.
and how did that go
alot better to be honest than I expected.the problems really began with my brother,he played with the situation.his automatic response to the situation was very odd.the cops,jailers,and community of van nuys were spectacular.quite different than my dealings with people in Palm springs.

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