Wednesday, May 23, 2012

newsboy cap

i was still wearing my white shirt and trench coat.i was half st. elsewhere half awake laying on the bench .it was morning, there were joggers dog walkers.I saw crime scene lab assistant girl putting on eye make up at another bench
"i made a move to get up."
"shhh," she said,"lay still,they might recognize you
"oh" this play acting shit again She approached,looking this way and that,i could even see her eyes literally dart to and fro.very scooby doo.From her bookbag she took out a newsboy cap and placed it on my head.who was i supposed to be this time.
since last night she had changed her "costume" wearing now a blonde wig and big dark glasses,she spoke now with a british accent,
"i must speak quickly,you must listen discreetly."
always.always aware that Proxy was always  listening.i nonetheless made a gesture that it was all between us"
sometimes i thought these "street performers" were with Proxy .sometimes against Jimbis Bond.spare really are losing youre fucking mind you bean bag.Lately my thoughts were Proxyesque.Even when there was no graphing my thoughts were  becoming more and more like theirs..
"here," she said ,put this on,"she handed me a newsboy hat and a small paste on mustache.I drew the line at the mustache but donned the hat.she gave me a please please me look ,to go along and I began pasting the mustache in place.she darted her eyes too and fro and sat close ,way too close,her english accent now russian,she whispered in my ear," we must keep out voices down and our visage up"
My mustache was on,i was a visaged as i could get.
"what was in that perfume.."
"HUSH ,you fool..."she swatted me with a hankerchief and began,her accents wavering between english ,russian and even irish
PROJECT DENTINE was a covert operation dreampt up by the suits at National Office."maybe you heard about Project Dentine?"
I was trying to figure out my character,but the newsboy hat through me off.and the mustashe tickled.
"no...I don't think I have"
A jogger passed,she froze,than picked up a newspaper.and began "pretend reading"I didnt know what i was supposed to do.i had no pretend reading i stared at the river
"stop that ! she yelled.Or we'll have to do this all over again"
"stop what,"I said,indignant
"stop staring and making a spectacle of yourself .You are ruining everything."
not wanting to begin again I refocused my eyes.and even made direct eye did  was like we were in a film.
"project Dentine,as you must have heard rumor of was national office 1961 directive to place transmitters in people's dental fillings"
"oh yes ,oh yes i have heard speak of such matters quite knowingly  in the various mental facilities  I and no doubt you as well have been in."
she stopped cold.was it something I said?
i hated pauses in general,especially when i caused them.not knowing what to do I began fake reading the newpaper.
I wish she had bought a cane or something to this "presentation" so i might have another prop to rely on.I knew from experience that half of this mumbo jumbo was deliberate,but I wondered where she was going.Boy were her operatives getting lazy,it was an insult.Transmitters in toothfillings indeed.
"not just fillings she said,composing herself,clearly i wasn't the first to call her on her sanity,playacting codification or not,",a  metal button,a tie clip anything that Laramie Satelite could center on."
"oh I said . THAT Project Dentine
Losing all semblance of theater she spoke naturally.She held my face and looked at me too seriously.More seriously than I ever wanted to be looked at ever again ..
'Once one is "locked' than one can be placed.It's about microwaves,and beta waves.In the 1980's Enon waves that could travel directly into one's nasal passages and into one's brain were first developed."
"Talk about invasion of the body snatchers."
she let go of my face
"No asshole we were talking about human augumentation and not from any Proxy corp..don't you get it?"
I ripped off my mustashe and stood.
but before i could she doused me with St.Elsewhere and I all but disappeared

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