Saturday, April 27, 2013

glue factory glue factory glue factory

Evan has somehow gotten ahold of some shit I wrote on facebook and says
it is proof positive that I have no idea how to ACT like a normal human being in polite society

cuz i wrote online once that when i was painting out side in the park
when I used to do such things
when I was
alone with my thoughts
before Harvey

before this Donnie Darko Jonny Mnemetic Frea Show
before I was apped
before I was tagged

i had written
that i was laying on a knoll  drawing on this knoll  i consdiered MY KNOLL in the park for people watching
and people drawing
I wrote that trying to draw people was like
sniping  or something

trying to capture the people on paper
without being seen
and that one must use their eyes like telescope
to correctly adjust horizon lines and ...and art fag shit like that


metaphor is beyond these rocket scientist's understanding
metaphor to these types is strange
or Jew-ie
jewie means intellectual

"and some of this art
is just plain wrong!"Evan laughs
you really used to sell this shit"

Used to Evan .cuz I don't draw anymore do I not since you "saved me from myself and my sick thoughts"
"it looks like a madman with feet for arms drew them." Evan wails,

"it's bad enuf that you think this way
worse that you feel you must share your sickness with others

why did i ever start posting my thoughts and my art
OH I don't know
maybe CUZ it seems they're training the entire planet to reveal every god damn
(i mean gosh darn !! Mentors!)thing about one self

"never write grassy knoll when hill will suffice ...not only is it questionable but
extraneous,"I man's voice says,a pleasant voice I had heard before  in a TV ad
The Voice sounds like .Dennis Haysbert...I wonder why i know the actor's name

"You know the actor's name because that's the type of thing that people who do not care about human beings or the world care about dumbo"

I am sent ,a visual overlay of what looks like an air traffic control room
it looks very modern
but between the over lays
i see a jump cuts of title cards like silent movies use
GLUE FACTORY! it reads in neon blue over a bright pink back round
it goes very fast
the words
and there's a strobe effect

than I get a
fish eye look at the control room ..
like a movie
and than the giant control room
people wearing not just head sets but helmets
 their hands and whole bodies wired to things


,i had once went to see an air traffic control room   on a field trip
 in the 5th grade
my mandlers of course know this
by now they know everything

a voice
repeates my previous thoughts in a mocking way,..i had once went to see an air traffic control room,it says in a mincing ,mocking  waylike nah nah nah nah nah..

there are no windows in the rooms but giant tv screens with all sorts of video of point of view shots that are pixelated.
pixels are filling in
point of view shots from Proxy
i can tell the point of view is from Proxy's eyes

because the pixels are also filling in time delay and blackness
from blinking

no their are not camera in the eyes
of urban astronauts
it's called something else.
.some fancy science terms
and not simple fancy -like cones and rods

but xy /fg -xy equals  yap yap yap fiancy

"did ya hear Barbra,now Dumbo thinks
we're in the transhumanism bizz.. A VOICE says

the enemy is scum like  you Dumbo.."

I retain a visual overlay of Evan  in front of several monitors
wearing a body suit with wires coming out of it
like a real astronaut
his face  and head are covered  ,more wires ,more gadgets
he removes the "helmet" and shakes himself out of the suit
i see him through a visual overlay
and feel him in mt system
he feels proud and smiley
 he  always presents as
 the best looking man in any setting he send me
 ,often he is out of scale,his ego often making himself so large in relation to other's he -


this is called fucking up the good part.!
don't go all francis ford coppala on me..directing me around !
I know what i am doing a little better than you might think

just the same i notice in the next visual overlay
that Evan's sense of his EVAN ness is in scale to the scene around him

"Oh fuck it Dumbo...we'll try this again some other time.."

tempers get riled in direct interface as they do in real life
i graph him a unicorn
sometimes this is so gay

i hear or seem to hear
and feel bad..
cuz it's true i suck at this..

and one learns not to move one's mouth to their
sound or one looks like a dummy
a puppet
it took a year and a half to learn that shit
also not to look to wacko not looking
at the visuals
only one can see
cuz people see you sometimes LOOKING
and look in that direction
like whats that funny lookin guy lookin at

hmmm don't ya wish ya knew..

now Dumbo is being a show off!
bragging about his human enslavement cuz he was deemed disposable enuf to be
found unworthy enuf
to be made a husk for AI and psychotronic testing

yeah you FUCK i graph
I'm bragging
if you didnt notice I am crying for help with these

jottings of a LOOOOONY ,he states..again as dennis haysberry
and i lose track
and try to recall the name of the car insurance
company he did the ad for
and cannot

finally Dumbo some News we can use!

ya know dumbo.He graphs in his own voice
THEY  think you believe this nano looks shit..
                    it's why half of them think you're bona fide .
                  bedridden loco'r e good at this actin crazy shit
but you don't have me fooled..
and this gary rainy half of them think is YOU.what YOU want the world to be
YOUR Proclamations
not ours
boy did someone write themselves into a corner ...
reread it sometime
and this TIME STAMP of yours really comes off.
you trying to present yourself as the victim?
what a joke!
the looks thing.
ain't none of your business but between us
                                                                                 it's high density directed energy to make you look like THE MONSTER you are

you really believe there's nano particles in your face..dimwit?
you really give us too much credit...but we like it.we'll use it
on the next one

you in fact gave us that's your claim to fame
a monster like you deciding to monster up another's face with nano inserts
you mr greenpeace
against psychotronics and the New Way is helping make develop it
is this a rundown?I graph
some kind of
runthrough to create gaming techniques

you are a run through DUMBO
I wish you ran through your mother's -

MORNING DUMBO a new voice said

that's why the option (,if you such a good man) still stands
kill yourself as soooon as possible
,,well gotta go to church dumbo,go play with yourself or whatever social deviants do on a sunday morning
we're giving you some time off
not from the monitoring understand
filth like you needs to be watched
you're a slippery guy
with a criminal mind
YOU know it
and WE know it....


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