Saturday, August 4, 2012

shoeless joe

David had all these questions in the beginning about how exactly he was able to moniter adam's thoughts.
valerie assured him that adam didnt have implants.or chips in's an FMRI microwaves or's on the fucking internet..
that the most difficult thing about it was going to be getting a clear neural read.a pattern to lock in on..never mind the science of it

.do you give a shit David.i mean do you give a fuck how your tv works or do you just like watching

but he he couldnt enjoy it

he was paranoid that adam knew

David put on his head set .and sat in his arm chair.laying back.he had his head set took no longer than 20 seconds for the image of a flower setting on white linen to enter his mind.he could make out the face of Valerie across from was of course all from Adam's point of view.Although he had just eaten he had a strange pang of hunger and restlessness.and than a thought.his first real thought of his lovely Adam

 i 'm  starving i don't  give a fuck about  old people stories about hollywood


jan 23 2013

i was starving

i didnt care about her fucking old people stories of hollywood

Bestie used to run some production company
but it got shut down
he opened a resteraunt
he keeps talking abouts some guy named Phillip.
how shoeless joe has let him down and he needs a new phillip.
how about him he asked valerie pointing at me
no no adam is for David
i told you
oh the famous adam he said
i ve gotten used to people talking around me
valerie says the pills.sometimes can cause a temporary feeling of disorientation
.david believed that motion pictures books and television were vehicles for the new way before there even was a new way
"but there was always a New Way" valerie said
valerie was a screenwriter than
back"in the day"
she like most of the staff were followers of the gary rainy method
it wasnt like we were trying to make people into Rainies she said
it was like she said when you get excited about a new book or something and just want everyone to read it.

shut up shut up shut up i wanted to say
valerie knew i had no money
she promised she might ask this Bestie if i could have a job.

It's the collective outlook"Valerie said,still not ordering food or even water"  some people don't like a collective.evryone thinks they are the one's with the right way.some people don't want to admit they need guidence.Look how much you're changing since we first met.since I first introduced you to David"
.Bestie's first words to his screenwriters,producers and actors .actors like you Adam was "enter training"
 let the other studios entertain.we enter to train.Rather arrogant you might think.but that's like saying Moses was arrogant.or Jesus or Buddha  were wrong for knowing without knowing what was  simply Right.
Bestie he had to retire form the business cause he was using color codes or symbols or something in his films...some turncoat insinuated certain things.certain vague associations in his films.
"he was referencing things,he was making references to reference from.
well adam isnt that what movies are?
like music a recurring stanza...theme when scarlet o hara enters a room.the same music plays.big's what every one does.somebody twisted everything he was doing into some kind of..manipulation
"when I say The color purple what comes to your mind. the color purple or the movie The Color Purple"Valerie asked
"is that about the boy who draws pictures with a purple crayon?
"you're so young Adam,but I think you know the problem...""
the color purple.
you didnt even see it right?
Ive heard of it
yes.but to you the color purple is just a color.
not a theme
ok i said.
i was drinking a tiny bit of water from the bottom of the glass.
no waiters were coming by and the pill she gave me was making me tired.

Bestie used to tell us a story.
his way of looking at people in the world.people at the studio.people .the public.
he had his own ideas on the future of film and tv...
he thought of intraneural interface as a tool.
a tool that could not only change culture but individuals.
tv as a harness
a harness sounds harsh but it's how we learn things.
the world has become so unbridled.
people don't like that Adam.
there's nothing to "adhesive " to give people a sense of One -ness"
there's no "way"
oh sure there's a way to dress ,a way to talk and walk.
but not a way to be
 with the Enway.. with the soul of a living sky.A living all knowing Being
there's a man who buys a box turtle
he designs a maze for this turtle
the maze is full of right and wrong outcomes
one outcome decides the next
but there really are no rights or wrongs
not for the turtle
the maker of the maze has his own ideas.
the turltes job is to keep moving and hopefully get in some kind of sync with the maze makers
changes to the maze.
the changes are made however according to the turtle as well
since the mazes are developed according to the turtles movements
a wrong turn now becomes the set point for both the turtle and the maze maker

one day the turtle ends up upside down
without being turned upright .the turtle will simply die
that's where gary rainy comes in
 to decide

we ate very little
it is good to starve a little
and  Bestie knows it

after coffee Bestie joined us at the table.his son Jon with him.his son was about my age.

"i can't take phillip anymore i need a new one"he said

"why don't you show adam some of my memorabilia.Jon.from the old father was a producer at Allience Pictures.I have a vault of old film reels and a wall of autographs.

i don't give a fuck about  a wall of fucking autographs Cecil read
"excellent"I said."i love memorabilia"

we went to an old office .
"Lets get high "he said.
large metal desks.from a different time.Old fashioned light fixtures that made the room too white.
air conditioned beyond anything comfortable.
"it's for the archives.or whatever my father calls them..He took me behind another door.the room was filled with bound scripts hundreds of them.
He took down one of them and showed it me"Basic Instinct"(1949) it said on the yellowing Manila coverlet
I thumbed through it .expecting some type of film noir.
instead it was replete with expletives and situations quite similar to ...

"shhhh" he said,"very hush hush,:"reaching his hand over my mouth bringing me towards him
"i dont' do that ,"I said but for reasons unknown to me kissed him hard on the lips.
we snorted some powder and we went out back to lot 7
there was a pile of old tires behind a half built greenhouse.
did you know that "the hand that rocks the cradle" was written in 1948? he said


Ping Pong
they called it
because the way NEWBIES were broken in to ELF technology that was congruent with Intraneural was convincing the "player" that if he ever told anyone about
"the game"
they would set frequencies to have noise travel around his head  like a ping pong game
for the rest of their lives

 the wilder uses of intraneural interface PING PONG
for sport.
and pleasure.
it kept the money rolling in
and kept people quiet
much like the other ancient empires,Like rome.
from a room at the top
better to observe
through a chosen few thrown to the lions
it kept the pyramid balenced
it wasnt everyone who had the nerve or sensabilities for the extreme
it was a public secret
nobody really thought it was true
akin to wives tales of drinking blood out of baby skulls.
but it wasn't ritual
there were no capes or chants
sometimes it was even an impulse.
subjects that couldnt be saved orhelped.who the mentor knew had a penchance to "tell"
what else could be done with them?
but sometimes it was for fun...
and this fun costed
and paid most of the bills
more so than vanity projects like life everlasting

"do you ever feel bad.about fun time?Valerie asked david"do you ever think Tru Christie is real.If he knows?
Bestie rolled his eyes."we have our proclivities for "the higher arts"Valerie.
i still think of it as chess.If Tru knows than why doesn't he interfere?He's a myth..

Any new games?being developed ?Bestie asked.any new devices?my protege.Phillip.

sometimes Valerie scouted college theatre programs and community playhouses looking for bodies
for chess pieces.Players.For fun time.what good was intraneura interface without a face to play with..For 3.5 million dollars valerie found Phillip for Bestie.she observed and taped him during a casting call in eastern new hampshire.he played shoeless joe in damn yankees.
but shoeless as david called phillip had months ago broken from the stresses of intraneural.
"to think Valerie I wanted him as a boyfriend"Bestie if it it were her fault it wasnt working."
intranueral got pretty down and dirty if one wasnt a trained Neuralist.for untrained often felt like you were literally under their skin.
and the host not aware of what was going on often freaked out.
sometimes losing their senses after only the initial interface
Phillip did ok though.he convinced hiself through Besties urgings to think of him as an extraterestrial acting coach.
Phillip,  not the loudest tap shoe in the chorus bought it  , so in the beginning things went rather spendidly between Bestie and Phillip .but than Phillip developed a sore tooth
"all day long Valerie it's ow ow ow..he pays no attention to me whatsoever"
there was no one for david to play with.
it was like Phillip had found another intraneural partner
his tooth
and things went from bad to worse.
alot faster than the typical 4 months of Fun Time Phillip doesnt want to play."He complained to Valerie.

He ordered coffee and brought out a small portable headset to show Val his ruined acxquistion he placed the set on Valeries temple.she suddenly saw and felt Phillip in fetal position in a dimly lit room she took the intraneural from her head and placed it on the table."i hate when they get like that Valerie said.".the key is to pace things.promise things.I mean why walk through a maze when there's no food at the end."she put the headset back on her temple to pick up a glimpse of a read.,"what an awful apartment."she told Bestie."he had to move out of silverlake,west LA.on food stamps.why can't they keep up.I even had him buy a gun..."

"oh dear..not another play date..."

he won't these days spirit..he just lays there.endless talk about hearing voices.he even went to a fucking priest..thinks he's possessed.he's boring the shit out of me."

Bestie put on his headset and saw the west los angeles apartment from Phillip's eyes and sensed the despondant dread in the lazy son of a bitch.He turned away from Valerie

and had a think.

pulling something in his neck to get the graph extreme.


You're with me remember Jon and Adam could be back at any time,"

right before the gunshot Bestie ripped the headset from his temple.

there was a wild joy in his eyes.He rubbed his hands together.and licked his lips.

"let's all go to a club.I need a new Phillip type"




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