Monday, August 6, 2012

"wild psalms"/ televisied triggered cues /" Indentured Dissidents"

 "Safety in Umber"was written in 1962 by  Robert Brett,a Rainy disciple back during Gary Rainy's "sci-fi" phase.Back when Rainy had ties to Alliance Pictures and was dating Valerie Prentiss.Alliance had by this time acquired it's own publishing company in San Fransisco.The story ,published by Allience Press encapsulated many of Rainy's ideas and philosophies.Cleverly disguising many of Rainy's ideas on human imprinting.Brett shifted the "scenario"however to other "agencies of change".The book which was deemed questionable at the cloaked hearings in 1973 was never published again.A "ruiner" had testified that Rainy's main method of QUIET MIND began with introducing a shadow of a doubt into his followers personal biographies concerning their parentage."Safety in Umber"concerns the same themes .Although shelved it has been discovered that the initial book was written sort of as a "mad lib" that could be changed according to changes in the times and the course of scientific breakthroughs.Also the first person narrative could be tailored in the same "mad lib" format to induce a reader to believe that the "secret book" was written "for them"The made for TV movie (1971)of the same title is also said to have such interchangeable qualities,author Robert Brett, original publication 1962 Alliance Press

The Umber Group wrote the first of over 1100 charts ,paradigms and
To take a man from infancy to adulthood,
15 families in 7 different countries would participate in the sociological experiment that
Would replicate 15 different styles and methods of “humanhood”
each family would represent a governmental or operative system and raise the child in a predestined manner most authentic to the regulatory method and construct of it’s operating didactic
the child would not be informed of his circumstances as this would inevitably tarnish the “natural” causative response to the input.
tests and challenges usually but not always goal based.
Whether or not achieved the child achieved said goal the child and later the man would receive correlative feedback from various Mentors .
Included in these studies were also tests and challenges that were based on ethical and moral concerns consistent with the family unit’s style of control
If the child chose to remove himself from like minded concerns once again it would be the Mentor’s job to steer the child “into the fold”
The Mentors observations of it’s subject’s cognitive organizational methods and self referential systems would naturally initiate the next hurdle




By insinuating that these children raised as Guinea Pigs were part of only a sociological test that in no way had to do with larger issue concerning the results of these tests having to do with any "tangible "alteration of the actual system became suspect.To thwart any questions ,especially by children raised on Referentials and Cues several writers and artists were hired to "play the part" of "up in arms"dissidents  assuming that children raised on Monarch Programing(and the placed Cues and Associations placed now in Televised Programming to assert such Cues )would be placated by a bona fide mouth piece for their concerns .           


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