Thursday, August 2, 2012

Valerie Prentiss ,a former Producer at CBS was brought on to help develop and launch Intraneural Programming at Parasol Picture's first foray into Direct Neural  Television

Imagine,Valerie would tell investors being able to adjust one's neural feedback
to the sensation and sensory experience of life being a sitcom.
Imagine experiencing any average day in the light,breezy style one experiences when absorbed in a program such as this
is program such a dirty word she would add
of course not.
think of brain computer interface as not only watching TV
but watching the world with TV eyes

unlike a mood altering pill there are no side effects
and because the neural inload was wave driven and laser specific
optic and auditory nerve centers could also be enhanced so that everyday life could always be
better than whats' on TV,"



there weren't words yet for what they were doing.
there really was no way around some of the more distasteful elements of cerebral procurement and c temperance

the cleansing process could be difficult

it was important that their brains be augmented and reduced down to it's "bare bones"
the clearing process could be difficult

weeks and months of Intraneurals and Muralistic "stories"
either drove one insane or open minded enough to accept one's "benefactor"

deconstruction was necessary for a successful co mingling
as well as enough cerebral and neurological integrity in the "host" to maintain the limbic system as well enough thalamus and cortex plasticity
to assimilate another's thought process.

"so many actors,as usual" ,Valerie mused, "on the cutting room floor"
7 suicides and 3 vegetables in the last 3 months.

AND she had to pay all but the initial $ 700,000 back to The New Way clients.All of whom decided not to try again.

everything counted on David
AND this Adam

David  expressed concern that Adam would not retain enough of his je ne sais quoi which what first attracted him to her find to begin with

Valerie explained that it necessary to make" the vessel "passive enough to not fight the initial inundation of foreign thoughts

But David was concerned .He did not wish to be passive or ineffectual in his "new way"

"it's not only about this Adam's looks or youth "David said,"I felt an immediate sense of affinity with the young man"

"it's a scientific process,breaking the memory complex and the mind's aggressive will to remain "itself" Valerie said ,wishing  Dr Essin or someone from Proxy Cyber was here to explain to David that this was not going to be an easy adjustment since unfortunately the host' would have to remain
cognisant through the Process
and the Vessel had a tendency to fight this perceived intrusion full on

most ,she explained don't make it

and the other problem of course was keeping the husk from talking.
perhaps in the 90's and 00's they would not be believed when speaking of "The Process".
" But lately" she sighed ,
"with so many leaks and so many information feeds..."

The clearing process she explained to David was tricky since the mechanisms used to empty a brain a ran the risk of stroke ,degeneration or madness.. in fact the latter sequences of the clearing process has to drive them just mad enough to provide cover
to protect both Parasol Pictures,Proxy Cybernetics and The client's liability .

she hope her dodgy explanation might explain the 2,000,000 million dollar price tag

"what if the Host,the Husk ;"David said," talks about it .or tells someone.the authorities.

"this is LA David,the authorities are all for new frontiers,especially for a few more dollars or maybe a guaranteed screen test for one of their daughters,'she smiled

" and if they say anything,it actually can act in our favor.It's not even a question of who would believe him but it helps present our acquisition as unstable which becomes quite important as the neural cleansing proceeds.


ADAM  january 11

It doesn't stop.

they are not mine
they are not stories
they keep me busy
I quit my acting class
I quit my job at the resteraunt.I cannot wait tables.Not with this going on.
I read over the last week's entries
my mother called .she wants me to come home.

gaining my senses. all morning cursing and howling
god smiles.reading magazines. . the fat fathers have made this place into their own private cesspool.but live far far away from it. and leave it for the poor to lick i have not obeyed the voice of my teachers. ..........

Sept 5th

tommorow i will be 25 years old

Linda N and Valerie tell me .it's an adjustment period.
and that maybe I should post my fears and experiences directly online ,instead of this notebook.

I tell Valerie I am afraid I will sound crazy.

she tells me to keep many blogs.
with different names
she tells me they will be evidence
I say evidence of what
she corrects herself and says evident
evident of what
just keep going she didnt need those acting didnt that job she says she will pay my rent for the next month

september 22

called and said he had a dream about me

and said I shouldn't smoke
David's best if I don't really DO much of anything
animals and stuff
don't have much to do all day
i saw a bird on fairfax and the bird seemed to say something to me

insects taste funny
sorta like marlboro lights

Valerie says I must write all my thoughts
of this change
she gave me more pills
I keep 7 blogs.
she says...I am doing so well
that there is something about me

maybe there was.maybe there wasn't
but something(or someone )
seems to be taking it all away


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