Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I do wonder if being killed off
would make a difference
in "spreading the news"

one more  dead artist

aint gonna exactly make the papers

as my "mentors
 have  instigated and propagated a rather extensive mental health "al'bi"
the bases are covered."


I have also done my part

in leaving a  rather comprehensive online forensic accounting of
what in retrospect
case rather than my own

Because for all extensive purposes
in the general public's mind
intraneural interface(and such)
is still the stuff
bad Adrian Brody movies

but there is much more to this than the implications of "mind reading"
(United States Patent 6,011,991, Filed December 7, 1998, the patent outlines a system that monitors an individual’s brainwaves via a sensor, then transmits this, specifically by satellite, to a computer for analysis. This analysis would determine if the individual was attempting to communicate a “word, phrase, or thought corresponding to the matched stored normalized signal”.(ref 8)
in that a  a group (who i have fictionalized and refer to
as Dome)
 has procured this "machinery" which is of much use to it's

 of measurement and augmentation and process
 furthermore both the machinery and "the technique
"rather insidiously seeped into a "style" of administration
that has infiltrated either by coersion or allotment
 law inforcement,hospitals and the entertainment industry

my problems began in the 1990s when i previously lived in LA
and was briefly  involved ïn this "movement"" toward "The New Way

I am not ready to tell the REAL STORY
of what occured
but I am getting closer...
too close.

Äm I a victim
or  did I  want to be the guy who says
"i dont want to play anymore" I want my ball back

but as I have stated there is a schizophrenic element to intraneural interface that begins to take a toll.

also .
recently rather more "sinister" subtexts to this technology have surfaced.
and because of this
my Judah Macabee has kicked in

their presumption that i was" Irish and" gay for pay (as opposed to be gay)" in 1994..
has been a problem from day one.
with my "mentors""

as for the technology
in some ways it is awesome
it has come to light
there are other uses for this that I am not too keen on
they still consider me "human garbage""
and in this regard
I am just a test for them
an experiment

 how this shit might work on "people Like Us"
not people like me...

and to see

if .

ONE of theirs.
could pull it OFF.

 the problem moreso than
these defrightful sounds and visions. of sway and influence.

is that
 my "mentors" are seeing that
"the cue" system is ineffective
in as much
as any phrase or
symbol one percieves
can be taken as "theirs"



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