Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I work on the 8thfloor of Proxy Cyber
In the Indications and Cue Department

I have a subtle hand
I must pat myself on the back.

My name is never mentioned or written on the scrolls that begin and end films
but my touches are everywhere
One can say I work in the propaganda department but we don’t use those words around here...
I don’t even think they use those words in Russia any more.
I don’t know if I should even use the word Russia
For the word Russia also has implications
everything has implications on
The 8th floor



Almost every film and publication that crosses my desk contains elements of The New Way
And why should it not
Proxy Cy and Neuronautics and Parasol Pictures owning 96% of all publishing houses and film
Proxy Cy and Parasol Pictures  should be ahead of the times
After all we create the times
How can one not be up to date when when knows the date already

our job is about subtle references
Little touches for our brothers and sisters to lock onto
So many hits and misses with these things.
One never knows when a chord will be struck

The times .
so fast these days
I mean whatever happened to Rosemary’s Baby
The 18-25 year olds haven’t a clue
1200 channels.
The fragments
And cues get lost

The Whitest guys in the room  way up top of the Proxy Cy and Parasol Pictures have fractured and destroyed their own system of response cues with greed
Producing and jamming up their own airwaves and Enways with so much random randomousity
that there are almost no keys to any of the opened doors
Now it is all about almost monumental events to bring a collective mind together



My timeline  (age 35 -45) and referential response cues were set several decades ago
As is the forthcoming second coming public brouhaha concerning Intraneural Communications

 My mind though is on my script and not the scripting of events
i was raised an
in the Gary Rainy style

are prime candidates to participate in a private game
 that keeps the lights on around here
Involving specific members of the Dome elite.

there is not that much of a difference between an immerse and a Schizophrenic
Only that Immersives always came back
Immersives  can lose themselves completely in other parts of their minds

these type of children and young adults were of special interest to those in the communications field especially concerning virtual reality
because they help map alternative thinking patterns
that are useful in the construction of  specific neural patterns that are essential for non immersives to make the leap to another cerebral mindscape
 True Schizophrenics had been used in the past to chart simulated mindgrounds but their patterns were too erratic.

Proxy Cy and Parasol Pictures Direct Neural Tv Dept.  collects Immersives
 The Rainy Group discovered in the  mid 1950’s that a child’s mind could be rendered to REACH
Also  the same process that created such explosive thinking also permanently brands the child
in such a way that they are responsive and respectful to his makers, ,mentors and "handlers"

Kitt too was raised Rainy
as was Evan

 The monster under the bed  was auditory neuro linguistics

and over the bed
(the baby sitter's boyfriend or the ubiquitous. Uncle Ernie with hands hands fingers thumbs...oh yeah there's a department for that too)
A rite
a ritual
A necessary crime ?

How else to craft a mind
splintered into pieces
and shiny points

it was the secret to ceiling walking
to royal loyal broods
to have among them one  who travels
some.thing .to be fed .to those  hungry MGM lions with tiger blood in their veins)*


The mentor might establish early on that the individual is of great importance in the world
The mentor creates a realistic New beginning for the individual
A new narrative
An endless conversation begins involving the individual’s un awareness
The mentor convinces you that that your idea of reality has been deliberately altered
and what was done to you was also done for you
He might convince you that you have special powers
He knows your story
(what did you give me .what did I take.what was in that you ask. you ask and you stop asking)

The individual sense of self is tested
One’s lineage is questioned and challenged
"I don’t think you really know who your father is.”
“your father isn’t your father.”
“I too travel between realities.It takes one to know one he might say
Your mentor might hug you ,hold you, cry for you
For all you have been through
You are part of a sociological experiement ..Didnt you always wonder why you felt different?
I am part of the Uncle Ernie Tribe too.

it's all very complicated.don't even think of going out that door.
you are with us or so much against us and we will literally drive you mad
now come here sit down and let me hold you
you were never hugged enough
I know I know
I am you and you are me
you will see how much

i don't feel good

the world is selfish with thoughts like that you must think of larger things.beyond good.beyond your individual feelings

they have ideas for intraneural interface that I did not understand until recently
it involves Immersives “”he says taking off his shirt .telling you to take off yours.and your shoes.Now lie down
don't think of going out that door.
do you understand

Secret texts and sects through the ages had found the age of 5 to be the best
Age for one’s initial imprint
To open one’s mind to such an awakening and to brand the child to a state of full Immersion
The abuse enacted on the child is not only to cause a split of personality structure but also
Necessary to flatten affect enough that future handlers/commanders might recognize the child/man as an Immersed.
Immersives tend to grow up quite unable to take care of themselves
And must seek help from other Uncles throughout their lives
"uncles" knew
uncles sensed
They knew
A Rainy child
“had the look”

He knows your story
I am proud to be the first to know who you really are
you are told you were born to take part in numerous tests to protect and serve


(that was not done to me you say. that was not done to me you say)

what do you know
I can see
I see it

That didn’t happen to me you say

It did he says

You don’t know anything
you're 20 years old and
literally off a bus

/they give u a place to go
a sweater

those crazy headsets
that read your mind

the mentors
u become close
u cant help it

a transmitter no larger than a grain of rice


In the mid 1960's Before the scandal with "Safety in Umber" Gary Rainy and Alliance Pictures were forefront in sophisticated sound and emoting techniques.such as non localized sound and pre holographic 3 dimensional 3 d televised imagery.
for a Cleaner ,authentically pure neural 'starting place"
that was universal and equal for all Rainy children it was preemptive to first introduce associations through artificial device.especially because Rainy Children future champions of modern thought were primarily to think in terms of symbols in a more binary capacity.
which would make these Rainy children "state of the art" concerning their interactions which Rainy wanted to be beyond the 5 senses.Rainy Children of "quiet" OFF would awaken to full ON "in the air,thinking" "on air thinking"

by age 2  a 3 dimensional projected cloud over the toddlers crib that would sometimes "smile"sound would also intermittently placate the child usually pitched to a soothing 25 megahurtz.sounding much like Rainy himself.

the child's interactions with these gentle vibrations were enough to move
the Rainy Children into a pre school environment.all but a few
high functioning enough to sit thru class
the addition of an "imaginary friend"would be added during the child's 4th year,

synthesized beginnings Rainy explained also made the initiation of LORE almost seamless.LORE was just one of the reasons for this technological "hands off" approach to early rearing.LORE involved quickening the child's link to televised indicators that would reinforce their kinship with the Rainy Clan.Specific words and entire story lines,features,and programs that would not be introduced into the mainstream for 20 or 30 years were assimilated into the already fragmented collective minds of the Clan.A head start ,a heads up to the New Way.Besides the smiles of the 3d clouds and comfort of the omni present sound devices key pieces of future "pop culture cues" would be discretely introduced. .LORE relied extensively on  The Rainy Method having an ongoing "discussion" with Symbiotic Cue participants in "the industry and always in tandem with the SYNTHESIZED BEGINNINGS program.

The indicator/cue could sometimes be as simply as an art director placing a light green bed spread in a relevalent scene on a sight specific TV program.that would instigate a significant cerebral response in children raised Rainy(as The Rainy  Mother's Handbook might include a ritual of folding this specific bedspread a certain way ,with or with out a corresponding "lesson" in New Way Philosophy. much like a visual of a mother making cookies could bring a rush emotion to a non rainy child.A lemon colored Kite introduced 5 seconds after a thunder clap could bring a Rainy child back to his SIMPLICITY MODELLING CORRALATIONS (age 5-7)

GaryRainy wrote several short stories for Rainy Day Magazine (an adventure sci fi magazine for boys)based on his access to "secret technologies" which he implied  were kept under wraps and released in small measure to the world at large especially the televised image,primarily how TV was primarily developed as a "means" not entertainment.He says that it was about this time that he came under fire from "the powers that be"and for a time moved to Mexico privately said he thought "the powers that be" were envious that he and his clan had "beaten them to the punch by "hard wiring "members  to codified television .As for the  creation of "pre-events" to trigger all sorts of economic and societal shifts,Rainy simply shrugged
i"s there any other way?"

the child's interactions with these gentle vibrations were enough to move
the Rainy Children into a pre school environment.all but a few high functioning enough to sit thru class
in his notes he concluded that by 2007 the technological advancements would be such
the addition of an "imaginary friend"would be added during the child's 4th year
a composite of Gary Rainy himself. as troubadour,playmate and confessor



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